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一种诱奸还是一个战争宣告的仪式?A ritual of seduction or a war declaration?

他想娶他诱奸过的那位年轻姑娘。He wants to marry the young girl he's done over.

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随着胆量的增长,他甚至偷溜到国王的卧室里诱奸了王后。Growing bolder, he even sneaks into the royal bedchamber and seduces the queen.

这是一首诗的基础上,传统的西班牙传奇、诱奸妇女的伟大情人。It is a poem' based on a traditional Spanish legend of a great lover and seducer of women.

正是在这一时期他诱奸了马丝洛娃,并将她抛弃,而是她沦落到后来的悲惨地步。And it was in this period that he seduced Maslova and abandoned her, which resulted in her subsequent misery.

若他还能够唤起凯瑟琳的欲望,便构成了一次诱奸——哪怕她还是他老婆。Even to have awakened Katharine, if he could have achieved it, would have been like a seduction , although she was his wife.

该诱奸的日记,然后,成为克尔凯郭尔的企图描绘流氓自己是一个,从而使他们的休息方便她。The Seducer's Diary, then, becomes Kierkegaard's attempt to portray himself as a scoundrel and thus make their break easier for her.

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瑞士官方23日表示,美国正式向瑞士提出引渡电影导演罗曼·波兰斯基,后者被指在30余年前在美国诱奸了一名少女。The US has formally asked Switzerland to extradite director Roman Polanski over a 3-decade-old child sex case, Swiss authorities said Friday.

为了夺取她,他让唐璜从地狱上来,诱奸20岁的布里特玛丽夺取她的童贞和信任。To get rid of it, he sends Don Juan up from hell to seduce the 20 year old Britt-Marie and to rob her of her virginity and her belief in love.

常先生好一点,在一个德国人家里当管家,诱奸了人家才十几岁的女儿,让人家肚里有了孩子,手上却没有戒指。She promptly died. Mr. Chang fared better. He took a job as a caretaker to a German family, seduced the teenage daughter, and gave her a baby but no wedding ring.

支持该法令的市政厅体育部门官员Cherki表示,不文明着装“可能在河岸上引发诱奸和其它危险行为”。Defending the decree, city hall sports official Pascal Cherki told Le Parisien that indecent clothing "could have led to temptations and dangerous behavior on the banks of the river."