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你的药物。Your medications.

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你们是否会做药物测试?Do you do a drug test?

了解你的药物。Know your medications.

可口可乐是种很大的药物!Coke is a helluva drug!

而那些药物呢?And those pharmaceuticals?

避免某些药物。Avoid certain medications.

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对我来说,写博是一种药物。For me, blogging is a drug.

这药物减轻了她的痛苦。The drug buffered her pain.

有两类ADT药物治疗。There are two types of ADT.

某些药物的作用。Use of certain medications.

那就是滥用药物。And that is over-medication.

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那么,这些药物是什么?Well, what about these drugs?

药物是分子的破坏者。Drugs are molecular saboteurs.

因为有些药物,有一定的危险。Some of them may be dangerous.

任何的蛋白质都是可以用药物控制的。Every protein now is druggable.

怎样使用顺势疗法药物How to Use Homeopathic Medicine

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非典型抗精神病药物的角色Role of Atypical Antipsychotics

但是这种药物面临许多障碍。But the drug faces many hurdles.

药物和治疗能够有帮助。Medication and therapy can help.