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他的角色被演得出神入化。He acted his part to a tee.

她的钢琴弹得真是出神入化。Her piano playing is absolute magic.

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那个人能把拼音文字写得像中国汉字这样出神入化?The man can write alphabetic characters such as China, superb?

芊红也练着自己的首本丝带舞,舞得出神入化。Qian red also trained its first this ribbon dance, dance to magic.

但是,喜剧如何做到如此的迷人,那些出神入化的片段如何铸成。However, how to do comedy so charming, how those fragments Highlights cast.

不仅如此,他在切尔西已经开始展现出神入化的任意球绝技了。And on top of all that, he's started belting in free-kicks at will with Chelsea.

有一位传奇中的传奇大侠,他的功夫可谓出神入化。Legend tales of a legendary warrior whose kungfu skills with the stuff of legend.

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他可以把神仙赐予人类的幽默运用的如此出神入化,它究竟是谁呢?He can make use of the humor that God gives the mankind thoroughly. Who is he exactly?

他因其出神入化的吉他演奏技能而成为炙手可热的歌手之一。He is one of the hottest ones, which is because his fabulous skill on playing the guitar.

小说的艺术表现可以说是达到了出神入化的境界。It can be said that the artistic presentation of the novel has reached the acme of perfection.

传说她之所以能得汉成帝宠幸,主要依凭的就是她出神入化的舞技。Legends say that the reason she won so much favor from the emperor was her superb dancing skills.

他的球技出神入化、炉火纯青,同时它也是一个天生的射手用他的热情引领着红魔一直向前。His skills were sublime, he was a great goalscorer, wore the red shirt with passion and led from the front.

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人们能够在语言中,如同在出神入化的工作中去体悟道,经验存在。One living in the language is just as experiencing Tao and Being in the work without any concept and ration.

历代医家对黄芪的应用达到了出神入化的境界。The Radix Astragli's clinical use of famous doctors through ages of China have reached to a very high level.

巴斯滕在马德里出神入化的表演倾倒众生,他不可思议地冲破牛顿定律,鱼跃冲顶打进一球。Watching mesmerized the Divine Swan defy the laws of gravity of Newton in Madrid and score a divingheader from the ground.

海伦是工人的女儿,在巷子里长大,工人阶级的无私和乐观对她产生了根本的影响,乐于助人的评语伴随了她整个学生时期,而她的易于满足和没有根据的乐观更是达到了出神入化的境界,为她赢得了一个当之无愧的绰号——“没心没肺”,简称“老没”。Helen is the daughter of workers and grown up at alley. Unselfish optimistic of worker class had significant influence to her.

由于西班牙的中场伊涅斯塔和哈维,他们神出鬼没,出神入化班的表现有可能将西班牙送出小组,挤进第二轮,总得分可能为九分。Thanks to the dazzling midfield axis of Andres Iniesta and Xavi, Spain may emerge from group play with all nine possible points.

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依然记得这个伟大球员出神入化的技术的球迷希望他最终能够准备好重新回归,把传奇传递下去。Football fans who remember the great man's skills hope that eventually he will be ready to return and pass some of that magic on.

澳大利亚队已经打地出神入化了,而且印度,巴基斯坦,南非这些球队的实力也不容小视。Australia are playing fantastically, and then you've got teams like India, Pakistan and South Africa who will all be hard to beat.

两只鹿的造型算不上新颖但很亲切,耳鬓厮磨的栩栩如生,出神入化,就像眼前真的有两只小鹿在说悄悄话,活灵活现。This two deer model is not new but very friendly. And the image is so vivid, it just like two real deer are talking in front of you.