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中国是东方的雄师。China is a strong lion in the East.

雄师的最高体重达到了439磅,但是现在这只雄师已经死了。The male lion topped out at 439 lb, but now dead.

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我是雄师,我是苍鹰,饥即食,渴即饮。I was mighty, I goshawk, instant hunger, thirst or drinking.

演说家啊,用魔法迷惑我们吧,直至那雄师看来不比那猫儿大。Charm us, orator, till the lion looks no larger than the cat.

中国是东方的雄师。现在这只雄师正在觉醒。It is clear that there would be no new China without the Communist Party.

雄师率领的一群羊可以打败绵羊带领的一伙狮。An army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep.

美国驻英国大使苏斯曼说,肯尼迪是参议院中的一头雄师。U.S. Ambassador to Britain Louis Susman called Kennedy a lion in the Senate.

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美国驻英国大使苏斯曼说,肯尼迪是参议院中的一头雄师。U. S. Ambassador to Britain Louis Susman called Kennedy a lion in the Senate.

但是豪猪的胜利是短暂的,后来雄师出现,将这两只豪猪给毁灭了。But the porcupines victory was short lived, with the pride's alpha malelater devouring both rodents.

每个求职者都想在求职雄师中脱颖而出,尤其是在求职市场竞争激烈的昨天。every job candidate wants to stand out from the crowd, especially in today's competitive employment market.

当白女巫知道他们出现在纳西亚之后,他们的生命就开始受到威胁,但传说中受人敬仰的伟大雄师亚斯蓝亦开始有所行动。When the White Witch learns of their presence in Narnia their lives are in danger, but there is talk that Aslan, the Great Lion, is on the move.

此前,宋还从未代表国家队出战国际比赛,但是本届杯赛,非洲雄师将这位20岁的小将征召入队,杯赛将在加纳举办,揭幕战将在1月20日,而决赛时间为2月10日。The 20-year-old is uncapped at international level but has forced his way into the Indomitable Lions' set-up for the tournament which takes place in Ghana from January 20 to February 10.