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你非得服从命令不可。You must obey orders.

你不必非得跟我说。You don't have to tellme.

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为什么蒂皮非得死?Why did Tippy have to die?

我一定得去吗?非得我去,我想。Do I have to go? I must, I think.

后来非得把我送到学校门口才走。She must see me off at the gates.

你的意思是非得做烈士了?You mean, he needs to be a martyr?

让我们来浪费时间,免得你非得要这样。We waste time so you don't have to.

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为什么我非得穿裙子或套裙呢?Why should I wear a skirt? Or a dress?

这个问题非得马上解决不可。The problem calls for immediate solution.

你非得穿得这么妖艳去参加那个聚会吗?Won't you join the party dressed to kill?

但是这次我非得去找他不可了,就是不知道他还活着没有。But I shall have to go to 'n if he's alive.

但是小组不一定非得是宗教组织。But the group doesn’t have to be religious.

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如果我们总是接这样的电话,非得累死不可。If we answer this call to often we burn out.

司机先生,你非得这样猛按喇叭吗?Driver, do you have to honk your horn so much?

如果你非得给我取名,就叫我小妖精吧。If you must give me a name, call me hobgoblin.

为什么我们非得按你们这些小孩儿说的做?Why would we do anything with you little kids?

干这活儿非得仔细才行。You've got to be careful when you do this job.

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如果你非得给我取名,就叫我小妖精吧。If you must give me a name, call me hobgob-lin.

幼年时我纳闷为什么我非得如此刻苦努力。As a child, I wondered why I had to struggle so.

但是不巧的是我非得在星期一回来不可.But unfortunately, I have to come back on Monday.