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春风掀动了她的衣襟。The spring breeze lifted the edge of her blouse.

他舔了舔手指,掀动他那个笔记本。He licked a finger and pushed at the pages of the notebook.

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飞行员掀动开关关闭受油口舱盖。The pilot flips a switch and the fuel receptacle door closes.

让我们拭目以待这位曾经青涩的花样男子,在舞台上掀动起更狂热的王者之风。In the future, let's expect him to whip up hotter craze at the stage.

然后,他积聚的愤怒爆发了,掀动桌子并且大叫,“我没有做过!”Then he explodes with anger, shaking the table and screaming, “I DIDN’T DO IT!

战斗机的飞行员掀动开关收起机身上方的受油口舱盖。The fighter pilot flips a switch and the receiver door atop his fuselage drops in.

他掀动盒,并且甲板在面孔滑与其中一张观众的卡片!He tilts the case and the deck slides out with one of the spectators' cards on the face!

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一本书摆在她面前的窗台上,打开着,简直令人感觉不到的风间或掀动着书页。A book lay spread on the sill before her, and the scarcely perceptible wind fluttered its leaves at intervals.

沙尘暴通常很浓密以至于人们都看不见太阳,有时候,风的强度大到可以掀动沙丘。They are often so thick that you cannot see the sun, and the wind is sometimes strong enough to move sand dunes.

他说,显然是说娜塔莎,与其说她听见,毋宁说是从他的嘴唇的掀动她领悟了他的意思。"Very, very charming! "he said, obviously speaking of Natasha. She did not exactly hear the words, but divined them from the movement of his lips.

所以,赤裸裸的窗口不引人注意,而一角掀动的窗帘,惹人窥探猜测,生出无限兴趣。Thus a window fully open doesn't attract attention, whereas a curtain with a fluttering corner arouses curiosity and conjecture, boundlessly tantalizing.

反应容器的形状能够让金属无论是在逆流回到熔炉时还是顺流到熔铸系统的时候,都随着LARS的掀动而流动。The configuration of the reaction vessel permits flow of metal during LARS tilting either upstream and back into the furnace or downstream to the casting system.

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一方面有黄金佩饰的叮当,一方面有丝绸衣裙的响声,于是空气便掀动起来,把圣安托万和他那吞噬着人们的饥饿吃得远远的。And what with that ringing, and with the rustle of silk and brocade and fine linen, there was a flutter in the air that fanned Saint Antoine and his devouring hunger far away.

所以,赤裸裸的窗口不引人注重,而一角掀动的窗帘,惹人窥探预测,生出无限爱好。Then, a window uncovered seems less arresting than one whose curtain drapes with one end in motion, for the latter entices mortals to peep in and fancy with boundless interest.

所以,赤裸裸的窗口不引人注意,而一角掀动的窗帘,惹人窥探猜测,生出无限兴趣。Therefore, an opened window does not draw passers-by's attention, while one with a corner of the curtain lifted can tempt people to peep and speculate, arousing enormous pleasure.