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本文介绍了双面牛仔绒的起绒及印染全过程。The raising and dyeing of the denim are presented.

在纺织印染中,获得极好的效果。In printing and dyeing of textiles, it obtained excellent.

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染缸是印染行业中的关键设备之一。Dye vat is a key equipment in printing and dyeing industry.

我的毕业论文是关于电脑在印染业中的应用。In the end, this paper also carries on a simple application to.

这种先进的印染技术,使产品永不褪色。This advanced dyeing technology can make the products unfading.

明洋纺织印染有限公司创建于一九九二年。Mingyan Textiles Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. was set up in 1992.

明洋纺织印染有限公司创建于一九九二年。Mingyan Textiles Printing and Dyeing Co. , Ltd. was set up in 1992.

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印染在这个季节非常时髦,前提是它们要缤纷多彩。Prints are very fashionable this season, as long as they are colorful.

卷染机在印染行业具有广泛的使用。Jigger machine is used extensively in the field of printing and dyeing.

特别适合用做纺织印染工业中人造合成纤维的印染增稠剂。It is a universally applicable thickener for printing on the synthetics.

采用炉渣烟气处理印染废水是一种简易可行的办法。Treatment of dyeing waste water by slag and smoke is easy and convenient.

大港印染,为您的多彩生活锦上添花!DangGang dyeing and printing CO. work for your wonderful life to be better!

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体现了这种夏威夷印染潮流的一个设计品牌便是多尔斯和加巴那。A designer that embodied this trend of Hawaiian prints is Dolce and Gabbana.

印染业是最大耗水量行业之一。Printing and dyeing industry is one of largest water consumption industries.

印染机通过热压法把花纹图样印到布料上面,顿时就升腾起一股难闻的染料气味。Dye fumes thicken the air, as floral designs are heat-pressed into the fabric.

可满足印染生产用水的水质要求。It can meet the requirment of water quality in dyeing and printing production.

我的毕业论文是关于电脑在印染业中的应用。My graduation thesis was on the application of computer to printing and dyeing.

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在印染方面拥有先进的进口设备和技术。Printing and Dyeing in connection with the import advanced equipment and technology.

纺织印染助剂是纺织品生产必需的化学品之一。Textile auxiliaries are one field of the necessary chemicals for textile production.

采用高效混凝剂对印染废水处理进行了探讨。The treatment of waste dyeing water by high-efficient coagulating agent was studied.