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老板给他预支了10英镑下周的工资。His boss advanced him £ 10 against next week's wages.

必须在一个业务往来账户上始终对预支款做对销记录。For advances a cross entry must always be made on a personal account.

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他们甚至使用现在流行的信用卡来预支还没有赚到的钱。Some even spend money they don't have yet with ever-popular credit cards.

他们不需要供养家庭,或没有预支的未来为等待着他们。They have no family to support, or a pre-determined future waiting for them.

应收及预支款项理卖按实践发生额记帐。Receivables and prepayments shall be accounted for according to actual amount.

然后先容了本三相CPU卡预支费电能表所满足的技术条件。The three-phase CPU card power meter's technical condition is being introduced.

她再也不能靠预支生命力来帮助自己度过目前的悲痛。She could no longer borrow from the future to help her through the present grief.

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超负荷工作很不好,因为你在预支第二天的精力和激情。Overworking is no good because the motivation to work the next day is taken from you.

他们比其他卡收取的预支费要低,但是如果你拖欠还款,那就日子艰难了。They charge lower upfront fees than other cards do. But if you fall behind, it's tough.

为了救荣生大宝决定从自己工资里预支十万,这怎么可能呢!In order to save RongSheng da bao decision from your salary advance of, how could it be!

中国人认为,总是预支工资,寅吃卯粮的人,永远不能成为富人。It is believed in China that a man who always anticipates his income can never become rich.

今后购买大量预支费卡将实行实名制。People purchasing large amounts of prepaid cards will soon have to reveal their real names.

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他说,实际上,有几次他女儿预支零花钱来还账都是在他再三催促下才做到的。In fact, he says, the only times his daughter has ever repaid an advance is when he insists.

我们以前是预支差旅费,但自从公司使用信用卡后,就停止了。We used to have cash advances, but the company stopped that when they started issuing cards.

持续增长的对价格敏感的用户倾向于使用廉价的预支方案。The growing mass of price-sensitive customers is increasingly turning to cheap prepaid plans.

这就是为什么备考SSAT的学生需要提前预支足够的时间来准备这个部分。This is why students preparing for the SSAT should give themselves plenty of time in advance.

为了确保试点医疗的财政支持,在此过程中提前预支了保险金。An insurance pre-check is part of the process to ensure they financially qualify for treatment.

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直到最近,所在政府会以很少的预支金将土地卖给开发商。Until recently! locwouls governments would sell this lonce well as developers for very little upfront.

你可以去财务部预支1000美元差旅费。带上你的旅程表。You can get a $1000 cash advance for your trip from the financial department. Bring your itinerary with you.

负责零星金额,预支金额的报销以及补足于汇总外币的现金。Responsible for the petty cash float and the reimbursement of paid-out cash and foreign exchange transactions.