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情况有变,我们就该随机应变。Things change. We change.

他随机应变,渡过危机。By trimming the sails, he tided over the crisis.

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我寻求创造力——他们是否有随机应变的能力?I am looking for creativity — Can they be instinctive?

高度自我激励,踏实地工作并能随机应变。Highly self-motivated, committed and resourceful at work.

你同时需要资本和随机应变才成为一个成功的企业家。You need both capital and savoir faire to be a successful entrepreneur.

能够在各种情形下随机应变是很吸引人的。Being flexible and able to adapt to all kinds of situations is attractive.

首先,我们组建了规模更小的精干团队,他们可以随机应变,不必请示管理层的决策。First, we made smaller teams that don't have to ask management for decisions.

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梅勒随机应变地用一条数据缆线,把个人电脑连接到翻新的大型机台萤幕。Mahler jury- rigged a cable to connect the PC to a refurbished arcade monitor.

要在个人关系中驾驭这些险滩乱流,需要你保持警觉并能随机应变。Riding these tricky rapids in relationships requires you to be alert and adaptable.

相反的,内化这些指南会提升你的状态,以及你随机应变的能力。Conversely, internalizing the guidelines will improve your state, and how you come across.

即使遇到了不熟悉的状况也不要惊慌,随机应变就好。If you encounter a situation that is unfamiliar to you, don't panic., just go with the flow.

“他根本不知道随机应变,”一名著名的民主党人说,“我认为他不懂得如何应付初选。"He never adjusted," says a prominent Democrat. "I don't think he knows how to do primaries.

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幸好我以前找工作时各种各样的面试都碰过,随机应变的能力还是有的。Have you ever had a critical time that you you have to make a dicision but you did not have enough time?

能否把这个棘手的问题处理好,就看你随机应变的本事了。It depends on whether you can rise to the occasion to have the tricky problem dealt with satisfactorily.

他做事历练稳重,总能在危机关头随机应变,化险为夷。He handles affairs neatly, maturely, and always plays to the score at critical moment to head off danger.

日本厂商一向以擅于适应逆境、擅于在灾难中随机应变而闻名。Japanese manufacturers are renowned for their ability to improvise and adapt in the face of the adversity.

坂本龙马身上有很多优点,如先见之明、随机应变、善于交际等。Ryoma Sakamoto who have many advantages, such as foresight, resourcefulness, good communication and so on.

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前面所提到的在舞池地板上随机应变的技巧的缺乏,必须要在弄伤别人之前改掉这毛病。As previously mentioned floor craft was poor and must be improved before some-one suffers a serious injury.

然后,讲了谈判前的一些准备事项,在谈判中能够随机应变,灵活处理各种突发问题。The second part discusses some affairs and how to deal with unexpected issues flexibly in the negotiations.

尽管有时布置的防守策略错误的,但在场上的球员也能随机应变。In defense of the failed defensive strategies, though, often times players zig when they're instructed to zag.