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你的第一次战时演讲。Your first war-time speech.

我觉得自己就像一个战时的奸商。I feel like a war-time profiteer.

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战时很少交换俘虏。They massacred all the prisoners.

当我受到挑战时,我想得很仔细。I think more clearly when I'm challenged.

战时街道照明实行半灯火管制。Street lighting was dimmed out during the war.

战时不准跳舞的禁令已经解除。The wartime ban against dancing has been lifted.

执照法是战时遗留下来。The licensing laws are a hang-over from war time.

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比尔德家庭战时的经历或许并不特殊。The Beard family's war was probably not untypical.

战时的艰苦生活使他童年的回忆蒙上了阴影。The hardships of war cloud his childhood memories.

战时我们必须用黑布遮着窗口以免透光。During the war we had to black out all our windows.

战时科学家们对种种限制加以嘲弄。During the war scientists chaffed at the restraints.

当他们作战时他们是用民兵方阵战斗。When they do fight, they fight as a militia phalanx.

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战时街道照明必须实行半灯光管制。Street lighting must be dimmed out during the war time.

在与海星怪物作战时,他能力耗尽了。He used up all his powers fighting the starfish monster.

当北部联盟在普什图地区作战时。And so when the northern alliane was fighting in Pashton.

欢迎来到阿富汗的战时承包集市。Welcome to the wartime contracting bazaar in Afghanistan.

当一个人为他的性命而战时,他会迅速还原成一头野兽。A man in combat for his life quickly reverts to the animal.

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克雷默博士以前当过律师,一战时也是个士兵。Dr. Kraemer, a former lawyer, was also a private in World WarⅠ.

她妈妈曾说,这路让她想起了战时的定额配给。His mother had said it reminded her of wartime rationing."Which

国家的经济必须适合于战时的需要。The country's economics must be geared to war-time requirement.