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第一,表达谢意。One, express gratitude.

每天都表达谢意。Express gratitude daily.

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请接受我的谢意。Please accept my thanks.

请允许我公开表达我的谢意-的确。Let me say publicly. -Yes. Yes.

他向我鞠躬表示他衷心的谢意。He bowed me his heartiest thanks.

预致谢意。我预付了票款。I paid for the ticket in advance.

请向她转达我的谢意。Please convey my gratitude to her.

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司法官对嫌疑人表达了谢意。And the sheriff thanked the suspect.

我们奉送此书聊表谢意。We gave this book to thank a little.

对于您的邀请我们深表谢意。We really appreciate your invitation.

没有人比您更值得如此深厚的谢意。No one deserves a bigger thank you than you.

我们奉送此书聊表谢意。This book is a small token of our gratitude.

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我找不到话来表达我的谢意。I lack words with which to express my thanks.

请向你的父母转达我的谢意。Please extend my thankfulness to your parents.

时逢所有教师表达谢意的时候。This is a time to be grateful to all teachers.

谨向你们每位致上最真诚的谢意。My sincere thanks to each and every one of you.

请转达我对其他面试人员的谢意。Please take my gratitude to other interviewers.

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客人临走前表达了谢意。The guests expressed theirs dawnks ago leaving.

枯竭的河床觉得无需向丰水期表示谢意。The dry river – bed finds no thanks for its past.

客人们临走前表示了谢意。The guests expressed their thanks before leaving.