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在1989年,我损失的最重要的一个幕僚是贝琪.赖特。The biggest staff loss I sustained in 1989 was Betsey Wright.

史密斯上尉奉调担任将军的幕僚。Captain Smith was seconded for service on the General's staff.

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入选名单的还有“基地”头目奥斯马·本·拉登和他的幕僚阿布·穆萨布·阿尔·扎卡维。Osama bin Laden and his ally, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, were also listed.

幕僚们都希望能获得更多的上层信息。Aides are hoping for more clarity in decision making and information-sharing.

军阀幕僚政治属于一种非制度化政治参与。Warlord's aides and staff politics is a kind of non-institutionalized politics.

之后,当她成为第一夫人,在她的幕僚的请求下,他为她写过数份演说词。Later, when she was first lady, he wrote speeches for her at her staff's request.

之后,当她成为第一夫人,在她的幕僚的请求下,他为她写过数份演说词。Later, when she was first lady, he wrote speeches for her at her staff’s request.

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新闻媒体的消息来源均为不愿透露姓名的民主党幕僚或党内人士。News outlets are citing anonymous staffers or Democratic Party insiders as sources.

入选名单的还有“基地”头目奥斯马·本·拉登和他的幕僚阿布·穆萨布·阿尔·扎卡维。Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and his ally, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, were also listed.

我的一些幕僚对我在国外时乔抨击我一事感到不爽,但我没有生气。Some of our staff were upset that Joe attacked me while I was overseas, but I wasn’t.

但拒绝订定开始撤离的日期,令总统与他的幕僚感到失望。To set a date for the pullout to start, which disappointed the President and his staff.

为确保记者不到处走动,一名拜登幕僚把鲍尔斯关进一间小工具间。To ensure the reporter didn't wander, a Biden staffer put Powers in a tiny storage closet.

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他的幕僚稍后又称副总统指的是到墨西哥旅行。His office later backtracked and said the vice president was talking about travel to Mexico.

阎锡山幕僚是民国时期一个重要的军人幕僚群体。"Cong" people "-Chun Man", that is, "Yuzhou Man" and the "Liao" originated with "Pu" Family.

比尔·高尔斯顿是持这种观点的人士之一,他是一位前总统比尔·克林顿的白宫幕僚。One person who thinks it might be is Bill Galston, a former member of Bill Clinton's White House.

还有人称布什和他的幕僚以一种极为“随意”的方式来诠释那些证据。Others allege that Bush and his advisors interpreted the evidence in an exceedingly "free" fashion.

神宗时熙宁三年或元丰中进士,是苏轼定洲知府上的幕僚。Shenzong Yuanfeng in three years or when the Xining Scholars, is prefect of Su Shi's aides Dingzhou.

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幕僚警告你不得随意闲逛,免得被森林暗处潜伏的狙击手误会。Aides warn you not to stray, lest you tempt the snipers positioned in the shadows around the compound.

一个总统的幕僚对于他确实知道的事情,总难免要过分强调其重要性。A presidential associate inevitably tends to overrate the significance of the things he does know about.

而第一位现代国家安全顾问邦迪向肯尼迪展示了有高级幕僚相助处理外交政策的优势。Bundy, the first modern NSA, showed Kennedy the advantages of having a senior aide manage foreign policy.