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我的小狗有双又大又水灵的眼睛,非常可爱。My puppy has large liquid eyes and is very cute.

宝宝的小脸嫩白水灵儿,真是可爱!The baby's little face is delicate and white, he is really adorable!

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是肉眼看不到的,水灵入土为零。BE what naked eye could not see, water works properly to bury to zero.

这样才能滋润有效地实现明亮水灵的肌肤状态。Such ability moist effectively achieve the bright watery skin condition.

美沙是扇子武术的高手,并拥有一位类似日本水神的水灵神为守护灵。She is an expert in fighting fan and holds a Suijin, a Shinto god of water in Japanese.

母亲走后,水灵救醒凤熙无,自己却奄奄一息。After the mother walks, rescues juicy awakes the phoenix bright not to have, oneself actually suffocate.

你现在25岁,在未来的五年里,应该可以继续保持曼妙身姿,水灵的肌肤,虽然每年略有退步。Let me explain, you're 25 now and will likely stay pretty hot for the next 5 years, but less so each year.

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产品能够贮存肌肤水分,使肌肤保持一整天的水灵,并能阻止肌肤将来变得干燥。It restores your skins moisture barrier keeping skin hydrated throughout the day and preventing future drying.

跑了一小段路后,小男孩眼光水灵闪闪地说道,“先生,您可以把车开到我家门前吗?”After a short ride, the boy turned his eyes aglow, said, "Mister, would you mind driving in front of my house?""

跑了一小段路后,小男孩眼光水灵闪闪地说道,“先生,您可以把车开到我家门前吗?。After ra short ride, the boy turned his eyes aglow, said, "Mister, would you mind driving in front of my house?"

成都的环境气候适合生活,让成都人各各儿都更水灵。Because the environment and climate of Chengdu is suitable forpeople to live that make the people morebeautiful.

大妹自然不会上当,王俊和布拉泥却不小心说出了水灵气的所在地。Big sister natural wont fall for it, but wang junior and blah mud accidentally say the water sensitivity is located.

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介绍了新研制开发的无机高分子与有机高分子结合而成的新型、高效、经济的混凝剂净水灵。A new coagulant agent polymerized by both inorganic and organic high moleculars was developed for water purification.

我,出生于张家港凤凰山脚下,虽然年已70,但长得那个叫水灵呀!I was born in Zhangjiagang the foot of Phoenix Mountain, although I have been 70, but the longer that called Shuiling!

双倍补给肌肤水份,舒缓皱纹,防止敏感、抑制黑色素形成,全天候滋润肌肤,令肌肤水灵动人。Double water replenishment, relax wrinkles, prevent sensitivity, inhibit melanin, moisten skin all day long, makes the skin light and winning.

她留着栗色短发,后经露出来了,水灵清澈、如绿毯一般的大眼睛回避着我的目光。She had chestnut-colored hair, cut short so that it left the nape of her neck exposed, and large watery green eyes that refused to look into mine.

夜犬担心黑蚁早就知道不让三圣物相互溶解的方法,便动员大家立即去北边的湖里找水灵气。Night dogs fear black ants knew dont let the three holy mutually dissolved method, then mobilized immediately to the north of the lake water sensitivity.

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第二点,天然水晶是有水灵的,同时也具有强大的磁场能吸收有害的辐射,也可以净化全身。The second, the natural crystal has spiritualism, also in the meantime have strong magnetic field can absorb harmful radiation, can also purify whole body.

这桃花初开是白色的,如脂,如玉,如雪,是那么娇嫩,那么水灵,那么晶莹,那么透亮。The peach blossom in prehistoric times is white, such as fat, such as jade, such as the snow is so delicate, so fresh and juicy, then the crystal, so bright.

水天骄把自己的阴魂依附在女儿的身上,令水灵对凤熙无严加看管,待到申时再来取他性命。Water Tianjiao own soul attachment on daughter's body, makes not to have juicy to the phoenix bright strictly safeguards, treats takes again to the 3 to 5 p. m his life.