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上一周你们都知道了对观福音书问题。you learned about the synoptic problem last week.

总共有两卷福音书记载了这篇「主祷文」。The Lord's prayer is recorded twice in the gospels.

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福音书的名字是后来文士加上去的。The names in the Gospels were added by later scribes.

这一方向会导致“福音书的荒谬性”的问题。It leads to propounding "the absurdity of the Gospel."

圣路加写作了第三部福音书以及〈使徒行传〉。Luke, writer of the third gospel and the Book of Acts.

保姆的神话故事被当作福音书中的真理而接受。A nurse’s fairy-tales are accepted as the gospel truth.

我肯定他笑过,但福音书从来没有提到过。I’m sure that he did, but the gospels never mention it.

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福音书之一讲述他们唱着圣歌离开的场景。One of the Gospels says they sang a hymn and they went out.

“福音书”记叙耶稣生平、为人和学说。The Gospels tell of the life, person, and teachings of Jesus.

出于这样的担心,耶鲁没有买下这份福音书。Yale passed on purchasing the Gospel because of such concerns.

耶稣十二使徒之一,相传为第一部福音书的作者。One of the Twelve Apostles, traditional author of the first Gospel.

基督的回答包含了福音书中一段最重要的谈话。Christ's reply is composed of some of the greatest words of the Gospel.

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福音书上很清楚,对那些被魔鬼附身的表述悲哀吧。The Gospel is clear on that, too. Woe to you on whom the evil demons act.

所以,普遍认为路加的福音书最初打算为外邦人而写。It is commonly understood that Luke's Gospel was intended first for Gentiles.

这本福音书是三份装订在一起的古书中的一份。The Gospel was one of three texts bound together in a codex, or ancient book.

争论的另一个焦点在于福音书里明显的自我矛盾之处。Another area of controversy focuses on apparent contradictions among the Gospels.

许多圣经的学者说,正是因为这样的原因,福音书根本不值得信任。Many biblical scholars say that, for this reason, you can't trust the Gospels at all.

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在前三本福音书中,说到救赎乃是罪得赦免或称义。The first three Evangelists spoke of redemption as a pardon of sin, or Justification.

这是个谜,你可以看出有多相似,但并不完全与四福音书一样。It's a puzzle.You can tell how it's similar but not exactly like the synoptic Gospels.

他还暗示,福音书因为口口相传是有缺陷的。He also insinuates that the oral tradition from which the Gospels originated was flawed.