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汇出利润。Remittance of profits.

非居民在台公开发行股票募集资金汇出。Issuance of stocks in the R. O. C. by foreign nationals.

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居民为赎回其海外存托凭证所汇出之资金。Residents remitting outward funds to redeem his global depository receipts.

个人汇出款包括赡家汇款、捐赠及其他移转性支付。Figures include household remittance, donation, and other transfer payments.

非居民汇出在国内存款之利息所得。Outward remittances of interest from deposits in R. O. C banks by non-residents.

我们最好的供货商把货物海运给我们,我们则在提单后60天汇出货款。Our best suppliers ship goods to us, and we wire the funds 60 days from BOL date.

此外,主要问题之一是,纺纱厂无法将资金汇出孟加拉国。In addition, one of the main problems is that the spinning mills funds out of Bangladesh.

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通常,汇出成本最低的国家是俄罗斯,沙特阿拉伯,西班牙,新加坡,美国和英国。Costs are generally lowest in Russia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Singapore, America and Britain.

承租人拒绝汇出房租,除非盖屋人从腐烂的屋顶换掉这些的腐烂的木头。The renter refused to remit the rent until a roofer removed the rotten wood from the rotten roof.

它可以不受限制地将利润汇出境外,可以随时出售资产,并且交纳较低的企业所得税。It can repatriate its profits freely, sell assets as it wishes, and pay relatively low corporate taxes.

参展商在汇出各项费用后,请即日将银行汇单复印传真至组委会,以便核查。The exhibitor must fax your copy of bank craft to the Committee on this day after remitting every expense.

第一,我每个月汇出至少300元现金魔兽世界电影以便减轻该儿童的家庭经济负担。First, I will remit at least300 yuan in cash every month so as to reduce the financial burden of the family.

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收到提款单后,将在2个工作日内汇出资金并到帐。支票提款需要大约10天。The funds will be wired within 2 business days of receipt. For mailed redemption checks please allow 10 days.

锓汇款是银行国际营业的一部门,它分为两种,汇进和汇出。Remittances are part of a bank's international services and are divided into two categories, inward and outward.

汇进和汇出通常是通过信汇来完成的,即期汇票或电汇。Inward and outward remittances are usually carried out by a mail transfer, demand draft , or telegraphic transfer.

外国人将售房所得的人民币通过在外汇指定银行购汇汇出境外。Foreigners should remit their house sale income of RMB abroad through designated banks by purchasing foreign exchange.

城市是否可以成为一个强大的能滤清许多污垢的过滤器,浊水经过汇出清流纯如许?Whether the city can become a powerful can filter much dirt from the filter, turbidity after remittance clean pure like this?

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现在他已经下了第一个订单,并且已经汇出了定金,我们最终还是开始了合作,从这个方面来说,这是一个好消息!Now he has placed an order and remitted the deposit , we finally will start to cooperate , from this side , it is a good news!

鼓励外国合营者将可汇出的外汇存入中国银行。A foreign party is encouraged to deposit in the Bank of China any part of foreign exchange which he is entitled to remit abroad.

特区中外合资经营企业的客商将从企业分得的利润汇出境外,免征所得税。The share of profits that investors in special zone Chinese-foreign joint ventures remit abroad shall be exempted from income tax.