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常用作聚酰胺树脂合成,热溶胶制造,燃料油,润滑油,压延油,液压油,切削油等的添加剂。Often used in polyamide resin synthesis and as a filler of fuel oil lube.

燃料油超深度脱硫已成为世界范围内急需解决的问题之一。Ultra-deep desulfurization of fuel oils has become an urgent subject worldwide.

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进坞前,除日用油柜外,请将全部燃料油柜空出。Please empty all the fuel oil tanks except the daily service tank before docking.

用来制备合成燃料油的主要原料是煤焦油、重油。The main kinds of material of reconciliation oil were coal-tar oil and heavy-oil.

以氨基磺酸为显色剂,用分光光度法测定燃料油中硅含量。A new method of determining silicon in fuel oil with spectrophotometry was studied.

该液体产品可用作重燃料油或加氢处理和裂化的原料。The liquid product could be used as a heavy fuel or hydrotreating and cracking feed.

唐马思在亚太石油会议上对路透表示,尽管筹备进程放慢,这个燃料油合约仍将于2009年3月推出.Last year, the exchange had said it would launch fuel oil futures in March this year.

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在燃料油被萃取出来之后,剩下的咖啡渣仍然可以用来作为肥料。And after the diesel has been extracted, the coffee grounds can still be used for compost.

还作了二茂铁在燃料油中的消烟效果和试车试验。The eliminating smoking effects of ferrocene in fuel oils have been shown in the motor test.

销售对象主要是海上运输船舶及工程船燃料油的供应。The outlet is mainly the sea transportation ships and the engineering ship bunker oil supply.

介绍了废塑料裂解生成燃料油及燃料气体的发展过程。The paper reviewed the progress of fuels from waste plastics by catalytic cracking processes.

受影响最大的要数燃料油,在这个市场上,中石油已经是交易量最大的交易者.现在SPC的炼油能力,储存能力及其船用油销路,都令中石油如虎添翼.The biggest impact will be on fuel oil, where PetroChina is already the largest volume player.

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储罐。家用燃料油地上室内塑料贮罐及其附件。设计。检验。Storage tanks. Plastics tanks for above ground storage of domestic fuel oil. Design. Inspection.

2002年,受益于国际油价的劲挺,中国国内燃料油价格也健步上升。China's domestic fuel oil price rose steadily in 2002 because of strong international oil prices.

最后,在工业锅炉上进行了乳化型合成燃料油与重油燃烧的对比试验。Contrast test was made on an industrial boiler between heavy-oil and emulsified reconciliation oil.

专家们说并没有显著的威胁,但燃料油可能会影响海鸟和海龟的繁殖地点。Experts said there was no significant threat but the oil could affect seabird and turtle breeding sites.

另据日本新华侨报网13日消息,日本东京从3月12日还出现燃料油短缺。According to China Press Net Japan, 13, Xinhua News, Tokyo, Japan from March 12 fuel shortages have emerged.

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专为相对不稳定的重燃料油应用或煤灰或烟灰覆盖的燃料点火器而设计。Designed for relatively volatile 'Heavy Fuel Oil' applications or 'sooted or fly-ash' covered Fuel Ignitors.

隧道窑由于燃用重油造成生产成本升高,为此探讨采用煤焦油沥青配制的燃料油替代重油燃烧。Because of the high cost of burning heavy oil in tunnel kiln, the coke tar pitch is used instead of heavy oil.

最后,对合成燃料油的应用及生产的情况以及煤基合成燃料油的研究情况进行说明。At last, the appliance of Reconciliation oil and the research of the coal-based compound fuel oil are reviewed.