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妈妈教我遗传学。My mother taught me genetics.

查拉卡也知道遗传学的基本原理。Charaka also knew the fundamentals of genetics.

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这是一篇关于遗传学的文章。It was an article about the science of genetics.

早在1935年,现代遗传学的奠基者之一,J。In 1935 one of the founders of modern genetics, J.

当然,这里有很大一部分是属于遗传学的。Certainly a huge part of this is underlying genetics.

神经精神医学中的孟德尔遗传学。Mendelian genetics in the setting of neuropsychiatry.

体遗传学的创立应归功于弗朗西斯·高尔顿。Population genetics owes its origin to Francis Galton.

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实用犬育种和遗传学。Frankling, Eleanore. Practical Dog Breeding and Genetics.

其发光突变株具有稳定的遗传学性质。These luminous revertants have stable genetical characters.

光遗传学会应用于人类疾病的治疗吗?Will optogenetics ever be used to treat diseases in humans?

除此之外,猫鼬的勇气,还有遗传学的根据。But there are also genetic grounds for the mongoose’s courage.

他似乎把遗传学的这一部分变成了他的独占领域。It is as if he has staked out this bit of genetics as his own.

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表观遗传学的概念对这一结果给出了解释。The concept of epigenetics offers an explanation for this result.

我们可以在临床开发中采用遗传学进行患者分层。We can use genetics to stratify patients in clinical development.

其实他对遗传或是遗传学根本是一无所知,而这两个对进化论很关键。He knew nothing of heredity or genetics, both crucial to evolution.

该方法为常染色体显性多囊肾疾病行胚胎植入前遗传学诊断提供了依据。It provide an evidence of using this technique for the PGD for ADPKD.

在细胞遗传学中,镶嵌性有时也称为混倍体。In cytogenetics, mosaicism is also sometimes referred to as mixoploidy.

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植物遗传学是开放创意大有可为的另一个领域。Plant genetics is another field showing the promise of open innovation.

大学生正在大量从事诸如遗传学和分子生物学等领域的研究。Students are flocking to such fields as genetics and molecular biology.

科学史上唯一的反伪“英雄”李森科就阻碍了苏联遗传学的发展。The only anti- pseudoscience "hero" in the scientific history was T. D.