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秧苗被放置在一大片浅苗床上。The seedlings were placed in a big flat.

他们将土耙平作为苗床。They raked the soil smooth for a seedbed.

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移栽采用蛭石作为苗床基质。Vermiculite is the best plantlet substrate.

他们为苗床筑篱挡住北风。They fenced the seedbeds from the north wind.

园丁们为苗床筑篱以遮北风。The gardeners fenced the seedbeds from the north wind.

他们必须尽快在苗床上重新培育上新苗。They have to replant the seedbeds as soon as possible.

冬季扦插要做好苗床的保温工作。Cutting winter insulation to do a good job seedbed of work.

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在比较冷凉的地区是这样。在气候比较暖和的条件下,可以在苗床上育苗。Yes, in cooler areas. But in warmer climates we start them in beds.

在春天到今年夏天早些时候,中期和植物从苗床深秋。Mid spring until early summer in seedbed and plant out in late autumn.

在他们选种时,我们开始耙平苗床。We began to rake over the seedbed while they were selecting the seeds.

把自己深深的重在自信的苗床上,把它压紧压实。Plant yourself deep in a bed of faith, and pack it down solid and tight.

有时,大米,棉花和蔬菜种子要在苗床培育。Rice, cotton and vegetable seeds are sometimes grown in special seedbeds.

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如果可以,苗床要保持湿润,直到草种均匀发芽。If possible, the seedbed should be kept evenly moist until germination occurs.

这个问题已经变得如此严重以至于一些牡蛎苗床已完全消失。The problem has become so serious that someoyster beds have vanished entirely.

苗床需要最小翻耕,这样可以保持杂草的种子萌发到最低限度。Minimal tilling of the seedbed is recommended in order to keep weed seed germination to a minimum.

本文对吉林省烟区苗棚苗床设施的小气候条件和烟苗生长进行了观测比较。Having been observed small climate condition of the seed shed and seedbeds during tobacco seedlings.

苗床土壤温度在华氏70至75度之间对培育大多数种子最为理想。A soil temperature in the hotbed between 70 and 75 degrees Fahranheit is ideal for planting most seeds.

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总的来说,这些高产量主要是因为相宜的苗床结构和精细的手工播种。The high yields overall are attributed mainly to good seedbed structure and a manual precision seeding.

总的来说,这些高产量主要是由于适宜的苗床结构和精细的手工播种。The high yields overall are attributed mainly to good seedbed structure and a manual precision seeding.

法国冬青扦插后,要求搭棚遮荫,以减少蒸腾量和阳光直射苗床。France holly cuttings, scaffolding shade requirements to reduce transpiration and direct sunlight seedbed.