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我们队在比赛中占先。Our team led all the others in the contest.

杰克悄悄占先一步,比比尔早起而抡到了这份工作。Jack stole a match on Bill, and got the job by getting up earlier.

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中国有10年占先,但是它的开始是比印度更糟糕的基础。China had about a 10 year head start but began it from a arguably worse base.

费尔德先生用电话谈妥了那次买卖,他比他所有的竞争对手都占先了一步。By settling the deal by telephone, Mr. Field had forestalled all his competitors.

我浪费了一年,因为我和家人,从地道逃出朝鲜花了一年时间。金发球占先。Well, I lost a year while my family Was tunneling out of north korea. Advantage Kim.

调度模式任务并不与远程机器进行匹配,也永远不会被占先。Scheduler universe jobs are not matched with a remote machine, and will never be preempted.

在所有这些情况中,去冬代码只能作为一个用户模式应用那样被占先。In all of these cases, the driver code can be preempted just as a user-mode application can be.

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其内核采用了占先式调度策略,移植方便,仅需修改与处理器相关的配置文件。Its kernel adopts prior poll strategy and can be migrated easily through amending CPU configuration files.

矿主的这种主张确立“先占先用”优先权,使他能够根据需要尽量用水。The miner’s claim established a “first-in-time, first-in-use” priority allowing him to take as much water as he required.

企业间的竞争均衡可能会出现占先均衡和同时投资均衡。The competition equilibrium among the enterprises can result in preemption equilibrium and simultaneous investment equilibrium.

另外,没有线程可以占先它来运行另一个这样的特殊程序,因为其他程序将运行于相同的IRQL。Furthermore, no thread can preempt it to run another of these special routines because that other routine will run at the same IRQL.

在产品生命周期较短的情况下,无论研发成本高低,双头垄断竞争均表现为占先竞争。If product life span is short and consequently the duopoly competition is mainly a preemption game, no matter whether R&D costs are high or low.

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本港的贸易总额庞大,在世界贸易体系排名占先,出口货品质素精良,这些都是本港商贸佳绩的最好明证。Hong Kong's success is reflected in the volume of its total trade, its global ranking as a trading entity and sophistication of its exports in recent years.

从而,为了在与共方黄以轩的争斗下再占先机,孙世安向宴老透露了当年大丰号事件的经过。Thus, in order to in and the party to the next battle yellow xuan again accounted for the initiative, to SunShiAn banquet revealed that year old, the event after dafeng.