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我们的旧账可以一笔勾销!It's time we wrote off all our old scores!

我一有机会就要与对手算清旧账。I would get square with my rival on the first opportunity.

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然而,那些期望迅速清理旧账的人可能要失望了。Those hoping for speedy reckonings, however, will probably be disappointed.

债主从公司收旧账或者跟债务人讨小钱。Debt collectors buy old debts from companies or lenders for pennies on the dollar.

第二条,要就事论事。不要扯起上个月甚至去年的旧账出来。Secondly, stick to the present. Don't mention old offences from last month or last year.

我“借”走了这艘愚蠢的飞船,来算一笔在南美洲的旧账,但我们控制不了它。I borrowed this stupid ship. To settle an old score in South America and we can't control it.

在他用新帐来偿还旧账的时候,媒体察觉到了一丝犯罪的痕迹。As he paid off old clients with money from new ones, the press scented criminal mischief afoot.

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但是,这样的行为会将人们变为人人自危、记旧账和指责。But that behavior turns people into twitchy, record-keeping, blame-tallying masses of ectoplasm.

在银行夏女士正要在一家银行开一个新账户,清除一个旧账户,并存一些钱。Ms. Xia is trying to open a new account, clear an old account, and deposit some money at a bank.

这种“旧账未还,又添新账”的现象在全国其它矿区也普遍存在。This state of "old debts are outstanding, new accounts are added " are also prevalent in other mines of the whole country.

随着越来越多公司部署数据安全措施,审计报告将有可能揪出很多被忽视的旧账。As more companies implement data security measures, audits will likely bring to light older, overlooked breaches from the past.

很多大学拆东墙补西墙,借新账还旧账,极大的阻碍了大学的发展,刘力云说道。Many universities are forced to borrow money every year to pay back their old debts, which encumbers the development of the universities, Liu said.

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在这些学者看来,中国人应当放弃历史旧账,以更积极的姿态面向中日两国关系的未来。In view of these scholars, the Chinese people should abandon the old feuds , in a more positive attitude towards the future of China-Japan relations.

母亲告诉我,老外公去世后,她从杂货店找到几本他的旧账本,上面记着许多顾客没有支付的欠账,其中多数是黑人。My mother once told me that after Papaw died, she found some of his old account books from the grocery store with lots of unpaid bills from his customers, most of them black.

有人循循善诱“狗不嫌家贫,儿不嫌母丑”,有人上升到爱不爱国的高度,口出污秽言者更是数不胜数,甚至有人翻出了巩俐缺席政协会议的旧账。Some people say that "Dogs don't mind poor families and sons don't mind ugly mothers, " some say that these stars are unpatriotic , and there is no lack of people who dishing it out.