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如今他怯生生极了。He was horribly scare usuaslyd now.

孩子怯生生地瞟了一眼怒气冲冲的父亲。The child glanced at his angry father timidly.

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那男孩怯生生地问能否看一下这本书。The boy asked timidly if he might see the book.

小孩子在陌生人面前常常是怯生生的。Small children are often shy of anyone they do not know.

她跟着他,怯生生地走过那些轰隆作响的机器。She followed him diffidently through the clattering machines.

“你觉得能想些别的办法吗?”她怯生生地鼓起勇气问道。"Do you think you can get something else?" she ventured, timidly.

最初他还和伯父有些生疏,但渐渐地感到不那么怯生生的。At first, he was shy with his uncle, but little by little grew used to him.

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她转过身来时,他脸上泛起薄薄的红晕,因为他在女孩子面前总有点怯生生的。A faint blush was creeping over his face as she turned, for he was timid with girls.

老太太低头俯视着,像一个无心做错事的孩子一样怯生生的,不知说什么才好。The old lady looked down, troubled and shy like a child who has unwittingly done wrong.

“早安,”他当珍妮终于怯生生进来的时候对她说。"Good-morning, " the Senator said to Jennie, when finally she came hesitatingly into the room.

她怯生生地伸出自己的手,非常柔和地抚平他眼边的直的黑头发。Her own hand went out timidly and very lightly smoothed the straight black hair out of his eyes.

其他的长老一个接一个怯生生地站起来,提出了一些不关痛痒的要求,拉姆全热情地接纳了。One by one the other elders now timidly rise with innocuous requests, which rahm receives warmly.

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在那怯生生的手臂放松他的脖子时,他要她让他亲一亲。He carried the child over, and before the timid arm was loosed from his neck asked her for a kiss.

“不过,今晚我们几乎是最后的了,”两个男的中的一个怯生生地说,“乐队半个钟头以前就走了。”"Well, we're almost the last to-night, " said one of the men sheepishly . "The orchestra left half an hour ago.

我记得舒梅切尔刚来打温布尔登的时候也是怯生生的。I remember Schmeichel screaming like a pig for more protection when we played Wimbledon when he first came here.

“那么,这的确是一个荒唐的城市喽,”小钱德勒怯生生地坚持道,“我的意思是,同伦敦或都柏林相比的话,是否如此?”Then it is an immoral city, " said little chandler, with timid insistence, "I mean, compared with London or Dublin?

他突然说,一说出这句话,他脸上表露出孩子般的怯生生的和怀疑的神情。Call Andryusha, he said suddenly, and a look of childish and deprecating misgiving came into his face at the question.

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但,当我女儿第一次、怯生生地与主流文化接触,当她第一次接受家庭以外信息的冲击时,这些公主故事,会留下深深的烙印。But they did mark my daughter's first foray into the mainstream culture, the first time the influences on her extended beyond the family.

他的儿子怯生生地偷看了一眼,见他躺在床上,把两只生锈的手放在脑后当作枕头,自己便也躺下去,又睡着了。After taking a timid peep at him lying on his back, with his rusty hands under his head for a pillow, his son lay down too, and fell asleep again.

每次回去,都会看见丫头怯生生的,忽闪着水汪汪的大眼睛看着我,也都会摘一些野花,戴到头上去,变为美丽的小公主。Every time back, will see wench timid, blinking watery eyes looking at me, also will pick wild flowers, wear round up, into a beautiful small princess.