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“他们的承诺像屁话”。"they all promise the moon".

还是说,这只是一句听上去像诗的屁话?Or it was just poetic bullshit?

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你们真的相信这种屁话?Do you guys really believe this shit?

但所有这些都只是营销的屁话。But all of that is just marketing bullshit.

要是屁话也能变成乐曲,那家伙就成了一个铜管乐队了。If bullshit was music, that fellow would be a brass band.

每个人都是如此么?还是说,这只是一句听上去像诗的屁话?Is that true for everybody? Or it was just poetic bullshit?

要是屁话也能变成乐曲,那些家伙就能组成一个铜管乐队了。If bullshit was music, those fellows would make a brass band.

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屁话或许可以让你爬的更高,但不可能让你成功一辈子。Bullshit might get you to the top, but it wont keep you there.

“命运”就是一句屁话,不要整天把它挂在嘴边,不卫生。Destiny" is a nonsense, do not talk about it all day, unsanitary."

够了!别跟我说你单纯到会相信他说的屁话。Come on ! Don't tell me you're so naive as to believe his bullshit.

我一直祈祷你不要再这么假模假式的装圣人,祈祷你能奇迹般地少说点屁话。I’m always praying you stop being so sanctimonious and miraculously get less full of shit.

但是他们不信邪总是问来问去,我只能说,在没有官方消息之前所有传言都是屁话。They keep asking and asking, but I tell them they can't believe anything until it's happened.

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记者和编辑们都是被收买的,整天说些对精英阶层有利的屁话。The reporters and pundits are paid millions to say whatever furthers the causes of this elite class.

这样的人可能毕业后很难找到工作,用这些混混的屁话来说就是“生命太短暂了。It might be hard to find a job after you graduate, but, hey, life’s too short for such loser-ass talk.

波尔是得意非凡随后又爆出更多屁话,但谁让他是FA的明星,我知道我栽了。Poll was smug and came out with a load of rubbish, but he was the FA's star ref and I knew I'd get done.

我相信队友们绝大多数的绯闻都是假的。也许有点会成为真的,但是大部分都是屁话。I think a lot of the stuff that gets printed are just rumours. Some will come true, but some are rubbish.

对于传闻切尔西很乐意会输给不来梅的谣言,穆帅认为都是堆对屁话。JOSE MOURINHO insists it is rubbish to suggest he would be happy to lose to Werder Bremen tomorrow night.

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这事儿的真正问题是穿这些T恤的女人们会慢慢开始相信这些屁话。The real problem here is that women who wear these shirts start to believe their own bullshit after a while.

香港旅游业开甚麽会,甚麽研究导游操守,都是屁话。The meeting of the tourist industry, the research on tourist guides' code of ethics , all these are pure bullshit.

什么家庭的婚姻的责任的爱情的都是一句屁话,远远不足那一夜或是几夜的春宵。What the family marriage responsibility, love is a nonsense, far less than the night or for several nights of spring.