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他说起话来油腔滑调的。He has a glib tongue.

微软有理由油腔滑调。Microsoft has reason to be glib.

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你是油腔滑调的伪君子。You are certainly blessed with a glib tongue.

州为背景的小说有些有点油腔滑调。Some of Cable's Louisiana fiction is a little slick.

一个油腔滑调的推销员在他的一种药水上给你一笔很好的交易。An oily salesman offers you a good deal on one of his potions.

玛丽的男友是个油腔滑调的家伙,我不明白为什么她如此地迷恋他。Mary’s boyfriend is such a greaseball , I don’t know why she is so crazy about him.

拜托,不要让那些从北京来的里外装好人,油腔滑调的政客分享这次战争的战利品。Please. Don't let the double dealing, snake oil politicians from Beijing share the spoils of this war.

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我个人认为前两部的电影有点太甜腻,太油腔滑调了,即便是对于哈利波特的书迷来说。I think probably the first two films were a little too saccharine and glib, even for Harry Potter fans.

而比尔?克林顿则像个走家串户的推销员,满嘴油腔滑调的行径,只不过是个装满破烂货的皮箱。Bill Clinton as the traveling salesman with a line of smooth patter but a suitcase full of damaged goods.

做一个信守承诺的人要比一个油腔滑调,今天不顾明天的人。A man who keeps the promises alwasys gain more applause than only enjoy today but regardless of tomorrow to have no unctuous.