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还盛产茶叶和桑蚕。This area also produces large quantities of tea and silkworms.

其中的桑蚕微粒子虫也是桑蚕的主要病原微生物。Of which, Nosema bombycis is a main pathogen to the silkworm, Bombyx mori.

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1845年,首批桑蚕疾病开始出现,并引起了一次流行。The first silkworm diseases began to appear in 1845, creating an epidemic.

“但桑蚕只有一种吐丝器,”她补充说。“But if you look at a silkworm, it only has one kind of spinneret,” she added.

一些中国生产世界经典丝绸的步骤,桑蚕正在进食桑叶。Some steps to produce world class silk in China silk worms feeding on mulberry leaves.

而在这两位修道士的照顾下,虽然桑蚕没有在到达之前结茧,但蚕卵还是孵出来了。While under the monks' care, the eggs hatched, though they did not cocoon before arrival.

丝类是一种纤维蛋白,由蜘蛛、桑蚕和某些昆虫的腺体所产生。Silk is a fibrous protein, produced in glands within the spider or silkworm and some insects.

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本文主要研究桑蚕生丝经不同泡丝工艺处理后,其编织性能的变化特点。After the mulberry raw silk properly processed, its Kitting properties are researched in this paper.

一个由蚕茧构成的丝质艺术品,蚕茧是由家蚕属中的桑蚕所产生的。A silk art project made of cocoons, with a silkworm of the Bombyx mori species that makes the cocoons.

富润牌桑蚕绢丝荣获浙江省名牌产品称号。The silkworm silk in " Fu Run " trademark has been prized for Zhejiang Provincial Brand-Name Products Title.

导致家蚕与野桑蚕运动性状差异有可能是其它机制的不同引起的。The differences in moving behaviors between Bombyx mori and Bombyx mandarina may be caused by other mechanisms.

桑蚕是一类毛虫,它们大约有5到7厘米长,它们喜欢在桑树上吃食桑叶。The silkworm is a caterpillar which is 5 to 7 centimetres long. It crawls around the mulberry plant, eating the leaves.

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桑蚕种良卵率是蚕种质量检验的重要指标,控制样本间良卵数偏差是保证良卵率准确性的关键。Control the deviation number of good eggs among samples is key point of ensuring the accuracy of percentage of good eggs.

中国的桑蚕养殖原来只有妇女从事,因而许多妇女受雇于丝绸制造行业。In China, silk worm farming was originally restricted to women, and many women were employed in the silk-making industry.

这位公主在没有她所爱的织物而拒绝出嫁,最终将打破了皇帝桑蚕出口的禁令。The princess, refusing to go without the fabric she loved, would finally break the imperial ban on silk worm exportation.

而几种桑蚕疾病的流行导致了丝绸产品下滑,特别在法国,丝绸工业再也没有恢复。An epidemic of several silkworm diseases caused production to fall, especially in France, where the industry never recovered.

另外,在大多数情况下野桑蚕的遗传距离表现出与空间距离正相关。Furthermore the genetic distance of the mulberry wild silkworm was positively related to the distance of space in most cases.

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这些疾病的传播发展成了大规模,而且,在袭击了桑蚕之后,其它病毒开始感染桑树。The epidemic grew to a massive scale, and after having attacked the silkworms, other viruses began to infect the mulberry trees.

四川省位于中国的西部,素来被称为“天府之国”,这里不仅盛产稻米,也是中国另一桑蚕业的发达地区。Sichuan, located in west China, is known as the "Land of Abundance", not only rich in rice and also famous for its sericiculture.

本文阐述了桑蚕叶丝转化率的研究现状并介绍了提高桑蚕叶丝转化率的可能途径。The present study progress and some possible methods to increase the leaf-silk conversation rate were suggested in the present paper.