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找玉米棒子!Look for corn!

喀嚓!棒子断为两截。Crack! The stick broke in two.

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那只是一根棒子,我叫道。"It's just a stick! "I yelled.

我把那根棒子错看成蛇了。I mistook the stick for a snake.

他刚挖空一只玉米棒子。He had finished gouging out a cob.

大卫用一根棒子戳那匹吗。David stabbed the horse with a staff.

看看棒子和吊绳。Look at the bar and look at the wire.

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只看到一根棒子浮在水面上。All I saw was a stick above the water.

他把玉米棒子弄得象口琴一样。He made a harmonica out of the corncob.

棒子太矮了,不足以保护油漆区。Bonzi is too short to protect the paint!

他们需要更大的棒子,更大的胡萝卜。They need bigger sticks and bigger carrots.

对于一个没文化的人,A这个字母不过是三根棒子罢了。To the uneducated, an A is just three sticks.

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玉米也无法结出较好的棒子。The maize plants cannot produce a healthy cob.

没有了棒子,施耐德,姚明,我们一点都没有深度。With no Bonzi, Snyder, or Yao, we're not deep.

这只宠物兔子正在享受一根玉米棒子。This pet rabbit makes a meal of corn on the cob.

对待一个没文明的人,A这个字母不过是三根棒子完结。To the uneducdined ond a A is just three sticks.

我们需要棒子,我们应该买断麦迪的合同。We need bonzi. Should buy out mcgrady's contract.

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我把气球的棒子拆下来,气球的气放掉。I removed the stick balloons, gas balloons let go.

看待一个没文明的人,A这个字母不过是三根棒子罢了。To the uneducdined ond, an A is just three sticks.

最后靠近棒头的这几吋的几次敲打,棒子又变得不太会动了。For the last few inches, again, the bat seemed dead.