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在坚持每天创作的第四周里,我碰壁了。By my fourth week of daily drawing, I hit a wall.

可一看到方正又平直的办公区被一条走廊穿着,我就有碰壁的感觉。But see a founder and flat area was wearing a corridor, I have run.

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找工作处处碰壁,搞得我心乱如麻。Job-hunting has failed again and again. It has made me terribly upset.

圣诞节是缠住孤独者、烦躁者和碰壁者的节日。Christmas is a holiday that persecutes the lonely, the frayed, and the rejected.

处处碰壁,我觉得那个时候,自己肯定会后悔莫及。Everywhere runs into a wall, I think that time, own definitely can rude awakening.

这个计算机黑客突然碰壁了,因这家公司实行了用密码保存公司纪录的政策。The hacker came smack up against the company's policy of keeping its records in code.

当你受到规则约束时,如果你不遵守规则就极有可能碰壁。When you're rule-bound, you're more likely to slip if you're not likely to be caught.

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身为一个长期崇尚GTD的人,我最终碰壁了,我运用这个理论时感觉并不好。As a long time GTD’er, I eventually hit a roadblock, where something just didn’t feel well.

这只老鼠在第一次尝试时会毫无目标,跌跌撞撞地乱跑,到处碰壁。On the first try the mouse will blunder aimlessly around, running into one wall after another.

那些在80年代投资酒店的日本人收获颇丰,但后来者都碰壁了。Those Japanese who invested in the 80's, they did pretty well while the restcame crashing down.

亲爱的朋友,你好!你还在为寻找心中梦想的拉不拉多小Q,到处碰壁吗?Are you still dream of Labrador to find the hearts of the small Q, everywhere do run into a wall?

在这些奇幻世界的身后,一个年轻女孩四处碰壁,但却斗志顽强。Behind the lines of these fantastic lands sits a young woman who has battled countless rejections.

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当她的生命在黑暗里碰壁时,正是沙莉文老师那微微的一笑,使她感悟到了阳光般的温暖。When her life in the dark wall, the teacher that text is a little smile, so she like the warmth of the sun.

韩冲想要找到一份工作,却发现四处碰壁,原来这一切都是房成从中作梗。Han Chong wants to find a job, but found around the wall, so this is all real into place obstacles in the way.

每当我们走了一段路碰壁了,这一个个转折点又把我们带上了一段段崭新的道路。Every time we encounter a wall while walking along a stretch of road, we turn into a brand?new stretch of road.

当她的生命在黑暗里碰壁时,正是沙莉文老师那微微的一笑,使她感悟到了阳光般的温暖。When her life in the dark wall, the teacher and that text is a little smile, so she like the warmth of the sun.

而今后,商品住宅、经济适用房的开发商再在绿地上搞噱头就要碰壁了。And the future, the value of residential, the developer of housing in the green again, we run out laugh uproariously.

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提出一个柴油喷雾碰壁的数学模型,计算分析了垂直碰壁和倾斜碰壁时虽面射流的传播和混合特性。A simplified mathematical model for predicting the mixture forming and evaporating process of the fuel spray in the D.

当她的生命在黑暗里碰壁时,正是沙莉文老师那微微的一笑,使她感悟到了阳光般的温暖。When her life in darkness, when rebuffed, it is Shali, teacher and that slight smile, her Ganwudao the sun-like warmth.

以为自己已经十分老练,懂得人情冷暖,但原来都会碰壁。They think they are already very sophisticated, know how to human well-being, but in fact it will run into a brick wall.