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她毫不讳言自己的错误。She never avoids mentioning her mistakes.

老师毫不讳言指出了他的毛病。The teacher more than hinted at his flaws.

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俄罗斯的大城市如今毫不讳言资本主义。Russia's big cities are now unashamedly capitalist.

言谈中,行业领头羊们也毫不讳言各自的努力方向。Comments, industry leader who also makes no secret of their endeavors.

阿德尔曼上任后,毫不讳言他对火箭队的改变。When Adelman became the coach, he never denied that he will change Rockets.

王伟忠毫不讳言对他的欣赏,更将其视作自己公司的接班人。Wang Wei-chung no secret of his appreciation, even as its own company's successor.

奥尔德林毫不讳言自己70年代初返回地球后的情况如何糟糕。Aldrin holds nothing back when talking about how bad things were when he fell to earth in the early 70s.

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中国毫不讳言,让全世界都了解它领土扩张的野心。China makes no bones about letting people the world over know that it has territorial expansionist ambitions.

上海某知名快递的总裁毫不讳言地坦陈出民营快递企业的打算。Shanghai some famous express never denied that the President of the private enterprise to express that the plan.

早期佛教毫不讳言,困境就在于轮回于生、老、死的毫无意义。As the early Buddhist teachings freely admit, the predicament is that the cycle of birth, aging, and death is meaningless.

虽然本·拉登和他的基地组织毫不讳言自己就是9·11元凶,美国政府也对其进行了坚定的打击。Although Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda is no secret of their 9. 11 culprits, the U. S. government has also carried out a firm blow.

写字楼连年居高不下的空置率已成了人们司空见惯的事实,有的业内人士在被问及此话题时甚至毫不讳言地说已经找不到感觉了。Office has a high vacancy rate is the fact that common people, some in the industry about this topic without mentioning that has not even felt.

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北汽控股毫不讳言自己对通用汽车旗下萨博品牌的兴趣——如果能在年底前找到合适的买家,通用汽车计划将该品牌售出。BAIC has made no secret that it is interested in GM's Saab brand, which the Detroit carmaker plans to sell if it can find a suitable buyer by year end.

奥巴马当局毫不讳言,卡尔扎伊必须对其政府中众所周知的猖獗的腐败现象采取措施。The Obama administration has been blunt in making it clear that Karzai must do something about corruption, which reportedly has been allowed to flourish in his government.

能够毫不讳言,抽丝剥茧,把权色交易分析到如此精准的地步,就目前的大环境来说,确实是需要勇气的。Can not say, leaving no stone unturned to bring the right color analysis of the transaction to the point where such a precise, the current environment, indeed the need for courage.

毫不讳言,许多国有鸡场的生产经营已经陷入了举步维艰的困境之中。None dare not or would not speak up, the production of field managed a lot of state-owned chicken to had been been immersed in step forward in the predicament of dimension difficult.

阿任毫不讳言当下网络推手行业中确实存在不规范的操作,有欺骗、有虚假的东西在里面。A holds the post of none network of instantly of dare not or would not speak up shoves a hand non-standard operation exists really in the industry, have deceit, false thing is in inside.

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他毫不讳言地指出,性传播已经成为防控艾滋病的头号敌人,他还首次向媒体披露了一些鲜为人知的艾滋病故事。He bluntly pointed out that the spread of AIDS prevention and control has become the number one enemy, he also revealed to the media for the first time some of the little-known story of AIDS.

近几年,学校的安全压力越来越大,甚至可以毫不讳言的说,某些时候,安全的压力甚至超过升学率的压力。In recent years, the school security pressure is getting bigger and bigger, even may not refuse to talk about said that certain time, the safe pressure even surpasses the proportion the pressure.