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首先,不要树敌。Don’t make enemies.

我是否值得为此树敌?Is it worth making an enemy?

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权高树敌多。Mickle power makes many enemies.

它们能让人交朋友或者与人树敌。They can make a friend or make an enemy.

我树敌无数,却从未逢对手。I make enemies numerous, but have never wel opponent.

现在,现在,我的好兄弟,我可没时间再树敌了。Now, now, my good man, this is no time formakingenemies.

阿迈尔•卡扎菲,一位古怪且树敌无数的领导人。Muammar Gaddafi, the leader of quirky and full antagonists.

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在狱吏中树敌是毫无道理的。There was no point in having a permanent enemy among the warders.

保持谦逊的作风,不要露富,以免引起嫉妒甚至树敌。Maintain modesty, don't show opulent, don't create envy and enemies.

多树木,少树敌。国无大小,好战必衰。Many trees and less make enemies. Kingdom without size, warlike will failure.

在汉和起义军同盟一起的日子里,汉想起过去树敌众多,深感不安。The number of enemies in Solo's past haunted him during his years with the Rebellion.

聪明绝顶的人如果树敌太多、太招人窥视,也难逃被人谋害的命运。If the wisest man antagonizes too many people or is too showy, he also is doomed to be framed.

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为了一己政治私利而树敌,这是华盛顿一个历史悠久的传统。There is a grand tradition in Washington of creating enemies for the sake of political expediency.

马特拉齐以在球场上树敌众多而闻名,但他强调自己在体育圈里依然有不少死党。Materazzi is famed for his many enemies in football, but insists he also has firm friends in the sport.

让邻居们一起参加,是一个聪明的办法,这样就可以多收获一堆朋友,而不至于左邻右舍树敌。Getting them involved is a much better idea, and instead of making sworn enemies you'll make a load of friends.

恰尼在自由主义者中也树敌不少,自由主义者们指责恰尼夸大了其公司的先进形象。Mr Charney has also made enemies among liberals, who accuse him of overstating his firm's progressive credentials.

格劳肯对他发起进攻时,他不无戏剧幽默性地受到了苏格拉底“既然未曾树敌,不如结盟交友”之类言辞的庇护。When attacked by Glaucon he is humorously protected by Socrates "as one who has never been his enemy and is now his friend."

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惠子啊!你一天到晚的,跟人辩论不休,做了那么多无谓的论争,你已经树敌太多了。难道,你就一点也不为自己的安全而设想吗?Huizi, you dispute all day. You do so many meaningless disputes and antagonize many people. Don't you worry about your safety?

因此我劝你对于任何人都要讲究礼仪,并且尽量不要做违背礼仪的事,一面冒犯他人或树敌。Therefore, I advise you to be polite to every one, avoid disobeying the principles of etiquette in case of offence and hostility.

阿克的前任阿克斯·莫在结束其政治生涯后,留给了阿克一个深陷丑闻、四面树敌的格兰保护国政府。The political career of Aak's predecessor, Aks Moe, left much of the Gran Protectorate mired in scandal and with no shortage of enemies.