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竭诚为三晋患者服务。Shanxi services for patients with dedication.

三晋锐角布中的涅金布当是韩国铸造的法定流通货币。The spade coins shaped acute angle of Three Jin states should be the legal currency made by Han state.

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三晋法家和齐法家同为法家,但政治理念却不相同。The Qi legalists and San Jin legalists are quite different from each other in their political ideology.

山西自然村落中的公共建筑就像一颗颗璀璨的明珠,镶嵌在三晋大地。Shanxi villages in the natural growing splendid public buildings like the Pearl, mosaic in Sanjin earth.

西临“三晋第一村”顿村温泉度假村,东望佛教圣地五台山。West "Interpretation first village, " hot springs resort village of Dayton, Look East Buddhist shrines Wutaishan.

三晋东周铜器墓分布于河北、河南、山西境内的26个墓地,资料较全的墓葬有149座。The 149 bronze tombs of the eastern Zhou dynasty in three-Jin belong to 26 cemeteries from Hebei, Henan and Shanxi provinces.

在中国法律史上,一个耐人寻味的历史现象是,三晋法家思想花开三晋,却果结秦国。There is an interesting historical phenomenon in China's law history, that is, the theory blossomed in that period but bore fruit in Chin.

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伴随着改革开放的滚滚浪潮,在古老的三晋大地,汾河岸畔,悄然崛起一座新型的城市――孝义市。With the rolling waves of the open and reform, a new city-Xiaoyi, has come into being on the bank of Fenhe River in this ancient land of shanxi.

以服务卫生质量享誉三晋的桃园饭店受到四主宾客的好评,荣获二星级旅游饭店称号。To the quality of health services in Taoyuan Serial renowned hotel by the four main guests praised, and awarded the two-star tourist hotel title.

此行来到太平镇,参加每年一届的“三晋赌王”大赛,为的就是血债血还。Visit will to peace and tranquility press down, attend annual " 3 advance are betted king " contest, those who be is blood of a debt of blood is returned.

地处三晋腹地的平遥县,有着悠久的历史和灿烂的文化,是我国现仅存的四大古城之一。Pingyao County is located in the hinterland of Shanxi Province, has a long history and splendid culture, is the only remaining one of the four ancient city.

酒店聘请名厨主理,菜系以新派粤菜、川菜为主,另有阳光音乐海鲜火锅广场,海纳三晋名菜,菜肴特色别具一格。Hotel chefs to hire charge, to the new Cantonese cuisine, Sichuan-based, and seafood hot pot Sunshine Plaza, music, Hainer Shanxi famous dish, dishes unique characteristics.

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这些精致无比、保存完好的宅院,以它们永远的真实,期待着我们对三晋文明史的阐释,期待着我们对晋商辉煌史的解读。These delicate matchless and preserved in their houses, the true forever, expecting us to SanJin civilization and looking forward to our glorious history of qiaojiaba in reading.

本文认为,“三晋”地域人文精神已经内化为山西作家的“集体无意识”,使他们不约而同地选择了为民众“代言”的创作立场。This essay points out that the regional and humane spirit of Shan Xi is changed into the "social unconsciousness" of local writers, who choose to be the "spokesmen" of the masses.