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走起路来,不觉平添了几分尊严。A new dignity crept into his walk.

于是,是是非非,纷纷扰扰,生活平添几多愁。So, right and wrong, confused, life add much sorrow.

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巨大的花岗岩骏马为皇家宫殿平添几分威仪。A giant granite horse that graced an emperor's palace.

这些故事情节让你不断猜测,平添乐趣。These plots will keep you guessing and add extra thrill.

点上几根蜡烛,放一段适宜的音乐可以平添几分浪漫。Add a few candles and the right music for a little romance.

众所周知,良朋益友使生活平添乐趣与价值。As is known to all, good friends add happiness and value to life.

成装上身后,既高雅妩媚,又平添诱人魅力。Install behind both elegant and charming, and add seductive charm.

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各色阳伞给夏日待头平添了活泼的气氛。Colorful umbrellas add to a lively atmosphere in the summer streets.

杰鲁莎默默地去了,额上平添了两道皱纹。Jerusha went without comment, but with two parallel lines on her brow.

朋友是想起时平添喜悦,忆及时更多温柔。When a friend is reminiscent added joy, remember the more gentle time.

他在你的企业里工作,你准会平添麻烦,而不仅仅是伤人感情。He works in your industry and you’ll have to hob knob, not just knob rub.

政治上层人物也常常因分赃不均而争吵不休,因而又平添了一份不安定。Political elites often fight over the spoils, only adding to instability.

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理事会与基金确实为戈贝尔先生的创业帝国平添了曝光率。The council and fund do add visibility to Mr. Gerber's entrepreneurial empire.

理事会与基金确实为戈贝尔先生的创业帝国平添了曝光率。The council and fund do add visibility to Mr. Gerber’s entrepreneurial empire.

微弯的靠手和椅背为这系列沙发平添不少温馨况味。With flared arms and back, this sofa series gives off an aura of country yhic.

这里有很多感人的的爱情传说,给杭州平添了几分浪漫的气氛。There are many moving love legends, which give many romantic auras to Hangzhou.

爱瑞儿长得精致可爱,象个工艺品,呆哪儿都平添一份景致。Ariel looked delicate pretty, like a craft, it might be nice view where she stayed.

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左侧印有彩色世园会会徽图案,色彩鲜艳,平添几分现代感。The emblem of the expo with color, colourful, smooth add a few contemporary feeling.

你可能想不到客房的酒柜可以向上自由翻开,平添几分趣味。You may have never thought the wine cabinet can turn open freely upward, very funny.

如果我们也让别人的旅途顺利一些、精彩一些,那么人生之旅会平添多少温馨啊!How much sweeter the journey when we make it a little smoother and richer for others!