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重新签署组件。Re-sign the assembly.

但Blanco拒绝签署这一协议。Blanco refused to sign it.

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共同签署承担一笔贷款是小事一桩Co-signing a loan is no big deal.

德勤从未为多元印刷签署任何报告。DTT never signed a report on DYP.

申请人必须于此栏签署。Applicant must sign in this section.

我代表你签署了该文件。I signed the document on your behalf.

把你的棋签署游戏变成性爱游戏!Turn your board games into sexy games!

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伊朗是这一公约的签署国。Iran is a signatory to this convention.

沃尔玛和塔吉特也签署了同样的承诺书。Walmart and Target have also signed up.

请检查印记签署器的打印头!Please check print head of the endorser!

老实厚道的狗签署并发表了那项声明。Dogs being guileless signed and delivered.

没有我的许可你不能签署任何东西。You can't sign anything without my consent.

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他签署了志愿书要在步兵服役九年。He signed on for nine years in the infantry.

他们强行使他签署这个契约。They bulldoze him into signing the contract.

担保人或公证人需要在哪里签署?Where do the sureties or Notary Public sign?

您信任的签署者应该尽可能少。You should trust as few signers as possible.

根据预设,本文会经过加密与签署。By default, the body is encrypted and signed.

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国王签署了逊位的文告。The king signed the instrument of abdication.

译两国签署了互不侵犯协定。The two countries made a non-aggression pact.

这是第三个最签署的电火花加工的历史。This is the third most-signed EDM in history.