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她是个瘦小的人儿。She was a slight thing.

我太瘦小,嘴快人丑。I was too thin, too sharp, too ugly.

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她耸了耸瘦小的肩膀。She just shrugs her small shoulders.

这是一个肤色稍黑,身体瘦小的男人。He was a slender dark complexioned man.

她比克里斯蒂更瘦小更纤弱。She is smaller and slighter than Christie.

孩子那瘦小的身体吓得发抖。The child's small body shook with fear. 4-21.

我真想把瘦小的那匹揽入怀中I would like to hold the slenderer one in my arms

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他瘦小机敏,眼睛好像光滑的砾石。He was slim, lissome, with eyes like licked stone.

瘦小的身子,且长满疙疙瘩瘩的骨刺。A body thin and small, and bony and thorny all over.

奥利安娜很瘦小,戴着眼镜,脸上还有雀斑。Arianna was short, skinny with glasses and freckles.

司机柯比和她一样瘦小羞赧。The driver, Kirby, was as skinny and shy as she was.

一日,一个瘦小的冬瓜被遗弃在了小河边。Day, a thin wax gourd was abandoned in a small river.

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她身材瘦小,脸色苍白,头发是淡黄色的。She was small and slight in person, pale, sandy-haired.

可你瘦小纤细,而我身高马大,还填不满我的牙缝啊。But you're much too thin and tiny for big old me to eat.

她身量瘦小,脸色苍白,头发是淡黄色的。She was small and slight in person, pale , sandy-haired.

瘦小的双胞胎洋铁匠。肥大的青蛙飞快的掠过。Tim, the thin twin tinsmith. Fat frogs flying past fast.

是什么魔力把妳送到我瘦小的臂膀里?What magic has snared you in these slender arms of mine?

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你对你的瘦小的外形或是超重的身体不满意.You’re fed up with your skinny look or overweight body.

南面,窄小的灯塔把其瘦小灰色的躯体竖立起来。Southward, the slim light-house lifted its little gray length.

那个瘦小的男孩被蛇吓坏了,晚上没睡着觉。The snake frightened the skinny boy. He had a sleepless night.