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米饭尝起来有焦味。The rice tastes burnt.

你闻得到有烧焦味吗?。Can you smell that burnt smell?

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突然传来尸肉焚烧的焦味。Then the sudden smell of burning flesh.

面包烤焦了,整个房子都充满了焦味。The burnt toast smelled up the whole house.

吐司面包烤焦了,整个房间都充满了焦味。The burnt toast bread smelled up the whole room.

这时,妈妈回来了,闻到了一股焦味,一看见了我,便问我怎么回事。At this time, his mother, smelled burning smell, saw me and asked how I matter.

要去除焦味的话,你可以在米饭还热的时候在米饭顶上放一片面包。To get rid of the scorched taste, place a slice of white bread on top of the rice while it's still hot.

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但当你用PS3运行一周那些耐力赛时,热硅导的烧焦味也差不多相近了。But leave your PS3 running for the week doing the endurance race and the smell of hot silicon is pretty close.

结果表明,太湖水具有多种气味,主要为臭味、焦味、土霉味、刺鼻味、香味和甜味。The results indicated that the odours of samples included stench, burnt taste, earthy, musty, aroma and sweet.

韩珊闻到一股糊焦味,冲进厨房,伸手将烧糊的饭锅从灶台上拽了下来。HanShan caught a whiff of paste burning smell, burst into the kitchen, the hand will burn from pot hearth drag down.

当咖啡壶开始流向上半部分,需要关闭的小火,因为温度过高会产生焦味的咖啡和破坏其原有的风味。When the coffee pot began to flow to the upper half, the need to fire off small, because the temperature is too high will produce burnt smell of coffee and destroyed its original flavor.

已知基于酵母的风味强化剂能够提升食品中所有的风味如食盐的咸味、中草药的青涩、烧焦味的刺激、香辛料的辣味等。These yeast-based flavor enhancers are known to give an additional boost to the overall flavor of a food system including salt perception, green herb and brown spike notes and spice heat.

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如今,从五月中旬开始一直到九月中旬,只要一晴天,阳光就异常灼热,大街上的沥青在强光照射下蒸腾起滚滚热浪,中间夹杂着一股烧焦味。Nowadays, from the mid- May to the mid- September, the sunlight would become scorching so long as it is fine. The pitch under the sun would generate surging heat waves smelling tar on the streets.

牛奶经过超高温灭菌后,维生素损失较大,而且失去了牛奶特有的口感和风味,甚至因为乳糖的焦化而有焦味。Milk after superhigh temperature antiseptic, the Vitamin loses in a big way, and has lost the milk unique feeling in the mouth and the flavor, even has the burnt smell because of the lactose coking.