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这幅假画一钱不值。The fake painting is worthless.

事实上,这小我根柢一钱不值。The truth is, the man's not worth a hill of beans.

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是以,名义货泉从它的素质来说现实上一钱不值。So fiat money is money which is intrinsically worthless.

政府的计划被反对党批得一钱不值。The government's plan wasrubbished by the opposition parties.

政府的计划被反对党批地一钱不值。The government's plan was rubbished by the opposition parties.

皇帝权赦免了他,这个一钱不值的人,皇帝竟然放他走了。And the emperor pardons him. This worthless man, he lets him go.

最后找到的是一枚几乎一钱不值的小金币。They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless.

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但是墓地公司却信守承诺。这些证书一钱不值。But the company has never delivered. And the certificates are worthless.

你不能否认汤姆是个游手好闲、一钱不值、放荡无耻的坏蛋。You can't deny that tom has been an idle worthless dissolute and dishonorable rogue.

思嘉,你真敢公然对我说,塔拉----这块土地----一钱不值吗?Do you stand there, Scarlett O’Hara, and tell me that Tara—that land—doesn’t amount to anything?

接着他的受害人突然发现,他们的业务报表只是一张一钱不值的废纸。Then his victims suddenly discovered that their brokerage statements were worthless pieces of paper.

队员们异常激动,就地挖了一个两英尺深的坑,但最后找到的是一枚几乎一钱不值的小金币。Very excited, the party dug a hole two feel deep. They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless.

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他是个十分有趣的伴儿。尽管你明知这个人一钱不值,你还是情不自禁地喜欢和他在一起。He was a most amusing companion and though you knew he was perfectly worthless you could not but enjoy his society.

在联系汇率制度结束的时间如此不确定的情况下,除买进到期时可能一钱不值的期权外,是否还有其他可以获利的办法?With the timing of a change to the peg so uncertain, are there ways to wait for a payday other than buying options that may expire worthless?

“这些限额其实一钱不值,”国际爱护动物基金会的“鲸计划”主管帕特里克."These numbers aren't worth the paper they're printed on," says Patrick Ramage, the whale-program director for the International Fund for Animal Welfare.

“这些限额其实一钱不值,”国际爱护动物基金会的“鲸计划”主管帕特里克."These numbers aren't worth the paper they're printed on, " says Patrick Ramage, the whale-program director for the International Fund for Animal Welfare.

它对违约风险保护的买家来说是件好事,因为目前当他们购买信贷违约调期产品而卖家消失时,产品会一钱不值,”Schweickert解释到。It is good for protection buyers, because currently when they buy CDSs and the protection seller goes out of business, the product is worthless, " noted Schweickert.

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如果效率的概念甚至对个人都一钱不值,当经济学家用加总全社会的方法来使用这个概念时,就太不着边际了。If the concept of efficiency is worthless even for each individual, it is a fortiori in far worse straits when the economist employs it in an additive way for all of society.

一大批人已经花了一大批人力和财力去分析人体在分解之前的组成成份,计算其价值抑或一钱不值。A great number of people have spent a great deal of human and financial resources calculating the composition of, prior to the decomposition of, and the worth, or worthlessness of, the human body.

不管是在月球上,还是其它任何地方,美国的旗帜除了代表着人们在自由市场,通过自愿联合,相互合作的方式来实现各自的目标外,一钱不值。The American flag, on the moon or anywhere else, is worthless except as a symbol, a symbol of men achieving their ends by voluntary association, cooperating through mutual exchange in a free society.