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它是最终的。It is final.

我们最终变成尸体。We end up corpses.

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但我最终还是认了。But I finally caved.

最终的迁移。The final migration.

但他最终没有放弃But he doesn't desert.

当然,他的奢望最终落空。But of course he failed.

你最终的目标是什么?What is your final goal?

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最终科学获得胜利。In the end, science wins.

奢侈最终导致贫困。Extravagance ends in want.

最终手术完满成功了。Her surgery was a success.

这是最终的图档。Here is the final artwork.

或许最终能爬8c,真正的8c。Maybe 8C finally. Real 8C.

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他们最终得胜了。They triumphed in the end.

最终结果会是什么?What's the resulting form?

虽然最终我找到了你!Althogh i find you at last!

最终他承认了错误。Finally he owned his fault.

最终,他没有扣下扳机。He didn't pull the trigger.

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最终的。I'm going to call it gamma.

最终可能的结果是什么What's the prediction here?

最终通过了测试。And ended up acing the test!