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杂志开始刊载她的短篇小说。Magazines begin publishing her stories.

她被称为“短篇小说界里的乔伊斯”。She is known as "Joice of short stories".

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他们把这篇短篇小说连载了五期。They ran this short story in five issues.

他每星期能写出一篇短篇小说。He can whack out a short story every week.

欧·亨利是以短篇小说家身份出名的。O·Henry was famous as a short-story writer.

他把这篇短篇小说删去了两段。He chopped the short story by two paragraphs.

他的短篇小说和剧作我百读不厌。I read and reread his short stories and plays.

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普赖尔先生把他的短篇小说扩展成长篇小说。Mr Prior expanded his short story into a novel.

在这部短篇小说里有很多对权欲的描写。There's a lot of power and beauty in this short book.

普赖尔先生把他的短篇小说扩展成长篇小说。He has published short stories, a novella and a novel.

我第一次读这篇短篇小说是在初中的时候。I first read this novella when I was in middle school.

普赖尔先生把他的短篇小说扩展成长篇小说。Short stories and romance novels are forms of fiction.

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他的短篇小说的题材非常丰富。He is considered the greatest French short-story writer.

我参加了一个短篇小说暑期写作班。I took part in a summer workshop in short-story writing.

他的脑子里有许多新戏剧和短篇小说的构思。Ideas of new plays and short stories teemed in his head.

他的脑子里有许多新戏剧和短篇小说的构思。Ideas for new plays and short stories teemed in his head.

威廉·西德尼·波特是美国一位短篇小说家。William Sydeny Porter was an American short story writer.

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英国短篇小说家吉普林是如此。At least, that's what English writer Rudyard Kipling said.

她的这些短篇小说反映了黑人的民间传说和她在伊顿威尔镇的生活。Her stories were about black folklore and life in Eatonville.

他所有的短篇小说均闪烁着揭示心理活动的真知灼见。Profound psychological insights glint throughout the stories.