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受赠人应受领交付并接收所有权的转移。The donee must take delivery and accept the transfer of ownership.

买方必须在卖方按照A4和A7规定交货时受领货物。The buyer must take delivery of the goods when A4 and A7 have been complied with.

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受领是债权人的权利还是义务,向有争议。There are many disputes about whether acceptance is right or duty for the creditor.

买方必须向卖方提供已受领货物的适当凭证。The buyer must provide the seller with appropriate evidence of having taken delivery.

买方必须在卖方按照A4规定交货时,受领货物。The buyer must take delivery of the goods when they have been delivered as envisaged in A4.

受领迟延的法定责任较弱,因其是一种不真正义务。The legal liability of delay of acceptance is rather weak. Acceptance is a kind of nonstandard duty.

债权让与通知属于需要受领的准法律行为,让与通知实际到达债务人时对债务人发生效力。The transference notification of credit is a quasi-juristic act, which goes into effect when delivered to the debtor.

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补偿金请求权,自受领补偿人收到通知之日起,逾五年间不行使而消灭。If not exercised, the recipient's right of indemnity shall be extinguished five years from the date the notice is served.

第四百二十条行纪人按照约定买入委托物,委托人应当及时受领。Once the trustee-trader purchased the trust item in accordance with the contract, the trustor shall timely take delivery.

买受人未按照约定受领拍卖标的的,应当支付由此产生的保管费用。Should a buyer fail to take back an auction target as agreed upon, he or she shall pay the storage costs arising thereafter.

第四百二十条行纪人按照约定买入委托物,委托人应当及时受领。Article 420 Once the trustee-trader purchased the trust item in accordance with the contract, the trustor shall timely take delivery.

第四百二十条行纪人按照约定买入委托物,委托人应当及时受领。Article 420 If the broker buys a commissioned article pursuant to the contract, the truster shall accept the article in a timely manner.

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遗产分割中的归扣制度是对继承人从被继承人处受领的特种赠与从其应继份中扣除的制度,这是多数国家继承法所承认的一项制度。Deduction is to deduce special gift from the heritage share of the heir. Deduction is a established rule in heritage laws of majority countries.

第一百一十八条债权人未受领的破产财产分配额,管理人应当提存。Article 118 The shares of the bankruptcy property for distribution that have not been collected by creditors shall be preserved by the administrator.

该术语是卖方承担责任最小的术语。买方必须承担在卖方所在地受领货物的全部费用和风险。This term thus represents the minimum obligation for the seller, and the buyer has to bear all costs and risks involved in taking the goods from the seller's premises.

该术语是卖方承当责任最小的术语。买方必须承当在卖方所在地受领货物的全部费用和风险。This term thus represents the minimum obligation for the seller, and tile buyer has to bear all costs and risks involved m taking the goods from the seller's premises.

给付受领的性质与地位之争,大别为义务说、权利说和折衷说。With regard to the nature and status of acceptance of performance, there are mainly theories of duty, theories of right and the theory of compromise in the academic area.

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美国的一名高级官员告诉CNN,基地组织受领奥萨马·本·拉登和他的其他家庭成员在巴基斯坦首都伊斯兰堡的一座宅邸外被美军射杀。Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces in a mansion outside the Pakistani capital of Islamabad along with other family members, a senior U.S. official tells CNN.

美国的一名高级官员告诉CNN,基地组织受领奥萨马·本·拉登和他的其他家庭成员在巴基斯坦首都伊斯兰堡的一座宅邸外被美军射杀。Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was killed by U. S. forces in a mansion outside the Pakistani capital of Islamabad along with other family members, a senior U. S. official tells CNN.

严格、准确的“战时”是指“国家宣布进入战争状态,部队受领作战任务或遭敌袭击时”。Strictly and correctly speaking, "wartime"refers to "the period during which the nation declares to be in the state of war and the troops accept the combat tasks or are attacked by the enemy".