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输入反转程序,第一版The input reverser, first version

输入反转程序,第二版The input reverser, second version

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我们需要反转我们的权利。We need to reverse our priorities.

反转目标位图。DSTINVERT Inverts the destination bitmap.

扫描线反转、停顿、跳跃。The scanning line reverses, pauses, skips.

适用于任何可反转的电动工具及气动工具。Fits any reversible power tool and air tool.

在负片拷贝中,色调值是反转的。In a negative copy the tonal values are reversed.

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与白色混合将反转基色值。Blending with white inverts the base color values.

食物和营养素如何反转衰老进程?How can food and nutrients reverse the aging process?

坝,水栅,暗礁,反转,坑,和水利设施。Dams, weirs, ledges, reversals, holes, and hydraulics.

这个情景是一个经典的优先级反转案例。This scenario is a classic case of priority inversion.

鸡用腌料腌1小时,间中反转。Marinate the chicken for 1 hour, turning occassionally.

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我发现控制反转这个术语的包含面太广。I find the term Inversion of Control too all-encompassing.

不过,当蜘蛛遇上澳大利亚食虫椿象,那情形就反转了。But Australia's "assassin bug" turns the tables on spiders.

但食物在加工的过程中,钠钾盐的比例就会反转。But when foods are processed, that ratio is usually flipped.

测试结果显示,这是首例牛头犬性反转现象。Tests revealed the first-ever sex reversal in this dog breed.

MACD线跟踪趋势,它们的交叉表明趋势的反转。MACD lines follow trends, and their crossovers mark trend reversals.

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我们根据棋盘图来反转符号。What we do is that we flip signs according to a checkerboard diagram.

电荷反转是将所有的粒子换成其反粒子。Charge reversal is the replacement of all particles with antiparticles.

胃扩张肠反转是很危急的情况,需要兽医立即治疗。GDV is an emergency condition requiring immediate veterinary treatment.