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所有汇兑盈亏均计入损益账内。All exchange differences are dealt with in the profit and loss account.

本文对非经常性损益相关文献进行了梳理和述评。The non-recurring gains and losses has combed the literature and commentary.

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具有客观性,非货币性资产交易损益资本化可以避免操纵利润。It is clear because it can list the items of accounting of non-currency assets trade.

决定损益状况如何随着混合证券的变化而改变。Determines how payoff streams are altered by combining securities. Coconvenes with FIN 531.

本文研究的重点是损益相抵规则在我国的司法适用问题。The author researches on the benefits rule from the perspective of the judicial application.

固定资产盘亏造成的损失,应当计入当期损益。?。The losses of inventories of the fixed assets shall be included in the current profits and losses.

她为我们分享了关于实地为基础的测试和更传统的实验室测试之间的损益。She shares some of the trade offs between field-based testing and more traditional lab-based tests.

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费用效益分析是进行环境经济损益分析的重要方法。The cost-benefit analysis is an important method of analyzing environmental economic gain and loss.

现时价值会计直接影响着企业的损益核算。The present-value-accountancy has a direct impact on the loss-and-gain accounting of an enterprise.

并对成都前峰电子电器有限责任公司开展生态工业建设进行了经济损益分析。And the economic gain or loss of QianFeng Electronic's eco-industry construction has been analyzed in the end.

周初制礼作乐,出于礼治文化的需要,对前代礼乐多所损益。At the beginning of Zhou dynasty, rite and music were created to meet the needs of the culture of ruling by rites.

非经常性损益作为一个衡量公司盈利能力的重要指标,也成为一些公司调节利润的工具。In recent years, non-recurring profit and loss has become a sharp tool for listed companies to manipulate profits.

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具有客观性,非货币性资产交易损益资本化,避免人为操纵利润。It is objective because non-currency assets trade is capitalized, this item can avoid profit controlled by person.

了解每日达成状况、竞品动态、每月损益等相关经济指标,对异常问题及时反馈。Consult the expense detail, make a self-criticism to TP3 operating position. feedback the unusual question in time.

第三章通过实证研究探讨扣除非经常性损益后的每股收益指标的信息含量。Through empirical study, it explored the information content of EPS which excluding the extraordinary gains or losses.

一个简单的启动策划包括概述,公司宗旨,成功关键,市场分析,损益分析。A simple startup plan includes a summary, mission statement, keys to success, market analysis, and break-even analysis.

如果增加的对价属于现金以及支付或赊欠的其他资产,变动的金额需要在损益中确认。If the additional consideration is cash or other assets paid or owed, the changed amount is recognised in profit or loss.

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我们的获利能力优于经济危机发生之前,损益两平水准明显降低."Our profitability is better than before the economic crisis and the break-even level is considerably lower," Jufors said.

因此,企业支付的广告费,不应全部作为营业费用计入当期损益,而应将其中的一部分计入企业的无形资产。So not all the advertising expense paid by the enterprise should not be included in its profit and loss as business expense.

审计机关对国有金融机构的资产、负债、损益,进行审计监督。Audit institutions shall exercise supervision through auditing over the assets, liabilities, profits and losses of the State.