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我郑重申明我现在是单身状态。I. I declare that I am not married.

Manche郑重向他宣告,“现在是你欠我情了。”But Manche assures him, “Now you owe me.”

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郑重对待你与天主订立的爱的盟约。Take seriously your Covenant of Love with God.

没有列车长的郑重道歉。There is no formal apology from the conductor.

郑重地邀请你当我的舞伴儿。I formally invite you to be my dancing partner.

他向我们郑重承诺然后又对我们食言了。He gave us his solemn word, then he welshed on us.

我们郑重地推荐这个产品给贵公司。We highly recommend this product for your company.

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我们要为此郑重祈祷,并发出自己的声音。We have a solemn duty to pray, AND make ourselves heard.

他希望抚慰她的在天之灵,于是就写了一句郑重的誓言。He hoped to please her spirit, so he wrote a solemn promise.

艾斯特洛悲伤的目光望著他,黯然地郑重答应了。Estelow's grief-stricken voice and eyes gave a solemn promise.

他郑重地声称,这项事业是为了帮助人们。He explains solemnly that the business is all about helping people.

飞行员们郑重表示他们一点也不疲倦。The pilots respectfully represented that they were not at all tired.

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卡丁郑重地通知母亲,他心里爱的人只要卢伊萨。KaDing solemnly to inform mother, his heart love as long as Lou issa.

大家都被他郑重诚恳的表情逗乐了。All the participants were amused by his solemn and sincere expression.

这天下午,小东郑重的警告了那位丽人。This world noon, small east formally of warning that beautiful person.

在宣誓的情况下,以「谨此宣誓」代替「谨以至诚郑重声明」。In case of an oath substitute "swear" for "solemnly and sincerely declare".

这是一个很郑重的场合,所以你的报告应改的正式一点。You should recast the report in formal wording as it is. a formal occasion.

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政府多次郑重宣称要修补今日充满危机的经济。The government is filled with vows to fix the crisis-ridden economy of today.

大学已经很郑重地呼吁要拥有包容性和平权法案。Universities have taken seriously calls for inclusiveness and affirmative action.

我郑重地、自主地并且以我的人格宣誓以上的约言。Above I seriously, independently and take an oath by mine personality the promise.