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皮尔西斜眼看了看她。Piercey glanced sideways at her.

他色迷迷的斜眼看着梳辫子的姑娘。He leered at the girl in pigtails.

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嘴巴半开,稍微地斜眼看。mouth half-open, eyes slightly squinting.

他一直在色迷迷地斜眼看桌边的女孩。He has been leering at a girl at the next table.

他动不动就打孩子。孩子们斜眼看他。He would whomp the kids at the slightest provocation.

父母视线不正,孩子也变斜眼。When the parents squint the children become cockeyed.

包子斜眼瞄瞄对方,他是个西装笔挺的男士。Steamed stuffed bun strabismus, he was aiming at the man.

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共和党议员们木在那里,有少数几个人斜眼瞅着威尔逊。Republicans froze, with several looking in Wilson's direction.

新来的出纳斜眼、歪鼻子,还有两只大耳朵。The new cashier squints , has a crooked nose and very large ears.

她斜眼看了看这对老人,他们也许很快就会走的。She glanced, sideways, at the old couple. Perhaps they would go soon.

他斜眼望去,看见那个警察正死死盯住他。With half an eye Soapy saw that the policeman was watching him fixedly.

一个面目狰狞的陌生仆人从门口满腹狐疑地斜眼看着我。An unfamiliar butler with a villainous face squinted at me suspiciously from the door.

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然后你斜眼看着闹钟,意识到你还可以睡两个小时。Then you squint over at your alarm clock andrealize you still have 2 more hours to sleep.

我会绝对的在体能上让你的体力透支,让你累得之有斜眼的份。I'll absolutely physically abuse you to the point where you're so tired you're cross-eyed.

“她斜眼看我,”于得明说,“她其实怕我害她,我什么时候害人了?。"She look at me askance, " Yu said, "In fact, she is afraid I would harm her, when I hurt it?

我们几乎不敢斜眼看悲惨地生活的夫妻或者在离婚法庭大叫对方外号的前妻前夫。We hardly look askance at the miserably married or theexes who hurl epithets in divorce court.

他举起酒瓶,斜眼看了我一眼。他停下来亲热地向我点了点头。帽子上的铃铛叮当作响。He raised it to his lips with a leer. He paused and nodded to me familiarly while his bells jingled.

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还有一些人只是斜眼瞟着,或是像公牛那样瞪大眼睛呆望着,这些人因为太迟钝或太疲倦而没有交谈。There were squints, and leers, and some dull, ox-like stares from those who were too dull or too weary to converse.

莱杰先生身体受伤,但是观众只留心他的白色面具和红色斜眼。Ledger, his body tightly wound but limbs jangling , all but disappears under the character's white mask and red leer.

莱杰先生身体受伤,但是观众只留心他的白色面具和红色斜眼。Mr. Ledger, his body tightly wound but limbs jangling, all but disappears under the character’s white mask and red leer.