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他的叔叔.His uncle.

为什么?霍里叔叔。Why? Uncle Wally.

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嗨,我是布克叔叔。Hi, I'm Uncle Booky.

这是布克叔叔。This is Uncle Booky.

我叔叔是个邮差。My uncle is a mailman.

我是你叔叔。奥盖尔。I'm your uncle. Argyle.

我的叔叔很胖。My uncle is rather fat.

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那猴子是他叔叔?The monkey's his uncle?

路易斯叔叔的摇篮曲。Uncle Satchmo's lullaby.

叔叔,我也有花要送给你!Uncle, this is for you !

我看见他和叔叔一起。I see her with Uncle Ish.

布奇叔叔会帮助你。Uncle Booky can help you.

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我不知道,莫奇叔叔。I don't know, Uncle Booky.

我叔叔下周筹算去日本。My uncle is to Japan next.

再给我们多讲讲,戴维叔叔!Tell us more, Uncle Davie!

他巴结富有的叔叔。He fawns on his rich uncle.

我叔叔是个爱狗的人。My uncle is a doggy person.

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他袭用了他叔叔的名字。He is named after his uncle.

我有一个叔叔,他是犹太教教士。One of my uncles is a rabbi.

这些是我的叔叔和姑母。These are my uncle and aunt.