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让您走进一个失落已久的“太阳神鸟王国”。Make you enjoy a long-lost "kingdom of Sunbird deity".

凤是中国古代传说中的神鸟。The phoenix is a divine bird in Chinese ancient legend.

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兰德里叫神鸟,因为他总是能飞得很高扣篮。Landry is called God Bird, as he always flies high to get a slam dunk.

佛经中,它被视为神鸟,佛曾化身为鹦鹉。Besides, they are regarded as divine birds and as the ever incarnation of Buddha.

“太阳神鸟”金徽可以看成古蜀文化的载体。The golden badge Sun God Birds can be taken as a carrier of ancient Ba-Shu culture.

凤和大鹏是李白诗中突出的神鸟意象。Fang and Big Pang are divine birds which outstanding appearance in the Libai's poem.

难道这是传说中的神鸟,飞到这块宝地显圣来了?Is this the fabled Holy Bird flying to this treasure-ground to make its presence felt?

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太阳神鸟与蛙形器体现了古蜀人日月崇拜的观念。The worship of the sun and the moon can be demonstrated from the sunbird and frog-shaped ornaments.

金沙“太阳神鸟”体现了金沙遗址文化的精髓和核心,也是三星堆文化的继承和发展。It is the essence and core of the Jinsha site culture, inheriting and developing Sanxingdui culture.

战士们吃到神鸟送来的葡萄以后,情绪高涨,士气大增,击退了来犯的敌人。Superbird scs sent soldiers to eat grapes, the sentiment is strong, increase morale, repelled the invading enemy.

对神鸟我们一生抬头仰视,而对鲢胡子,我们则低下头来,巴不得浑水摸鱼。Superbird scs life on the rise, we look up, and beard of silver carp, we head to look forward to fish in troubled waters.

在3100年前,庄严威仪的祭祀中,“丑”带着“沙”与美丽的太阳神鸟化身的“金”再次相见。"Jester" let "Sha" to the beautiful Incarnation of the Sunbird "Jin" during the Holy sacrificial ceremony 3100 years ago.

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然而,我们追溯“乌鸦”这一物象的起源,却发现它在远古先民的心目中,并非恶禽,而为神鸟。But we trace back to" crow " origin of this object, find it in the mind of the ancient people, it is not the evil birds, but supernatural birds.

“太阳神鸟”金饰图案的蜀绣制品于同年搭载神舟六号飞船在太空中遨游。Shu embroidery featuring the pattern of the sun bird object in particular, traveled to space with the "Shenzhou VI" spacecraft in the same year.

“乌伤”便由此得名,意思是“讲义气的神鸟”,义乌人也世代传承着讲义气的美德。There came the name of Wushang, meaning loyalty. Like these crows, Yiwu people have inherited the virtue of loyalty generation after generation.

2005年“太阳神鸟”已被国家文物局公布为中国文化遗产标志。The Sun Bird Object was appointed by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage as the symbol of China's intangible cultural heritage in 2005.

颜乌的孝心深深地感动了旁边树上的一群神鸟——乌鸦,它们衔着泥来帮颜乌筑坟。He had to dig the earth to make a tomb by his hands, which made his hands bleeding. Divine black crows in nearby trees were moved by Yan's filial piety.

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富丽堂皇的宫苑,奏乐歌舞的伎乐菩萨,伴随歌舞的飞天和神鸟,共同构筑了一个欢乐、优雅的理想世界。The magnificent palace, the performing Bodhisattvas, the dancing and flying apsaras and birds, and the common people consist of a happy and elegant world.

第二天一早,神鸟急着想要破解自己的梦。它试着用专为节日庆典而制的苗族丝绸绣片,向男孩描述自己的梦境。In the morning, seeking to understand his dream, he tried to describe it to the child by means of the silk scarves which had been made for the festivities.

朝鲜民族先民认为鸟类具有神性,又认为鸟能给人以恩惠,从而形成了神鸟惠世和崇爱灵禽的民俗心理。The ancient Koreans thought the bird had deity and it favors the man, which led to folk custom psychology of the bird favor for the world and the love and respect of the intelligent bird.