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工程质量重于泰山。The construction quality is extremely important.

为国家效死,死重于泰山。??孙中山。Death for the homeland is heavier than Mount Tai.

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安全重于泰山服务器双机热备知多少?The security server hsby weightier than Mount Tai know how much?

“精益求精”、“质量重于泰山”是我们对顾客最好的承诺。We bear in mind the commitment"seeking perfection", "quality is heavier then Taishan mountain".

经营理念、质量压倒一切、服务重于泰山的崇旨。Business philosophy, quality overrides everything, the Service weightier than Mount Tai Chong purpose.

安全生产责任重于泰山,经济发展必须建立在安全生产的基础上。Ensuring production safety is a huge responsibility.We must not compromise production safety for the sake of economic development.

压力容器的运行安全责任重于泰山。行业协会应尽到管理责任,我国现有压力容器安全管理的法律法规比较健全。Indicate running safety responsibility of pressure vessel is weightier than Mount Tai, Guild should take the responsibility for management.

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牢固树立“生命至高无上、责任重于泰山”的思想,营造关爱生命、关注安全的浓厚氛围。Firmly establish the "supremacy of life, responsibility is extremely heavy, " the idea to create a love life, concerned about the safety of a thick atmosphere.

质量责任,重于泰山,结合工作实际,重点阐述了加强公路工程施工质量管理的方法和意义。Responsibility for quality, extremely heavy, combined with actual work, focusing on strengthening the road construction quality control methods and significance.

有人说,死有重于泰山轻如鸿毛,但英国棺木业者维克冯恩有限公司正准备、也很愿意以「疯狂的棺木」送你升天得到永远的安息。Some say death is no laughing matter, but British casket maker Vic Fearn &Company Limited is ready and willing to send you off to your eternal rest in a "crazy coffin."

“生命之托,重于泰山”,青岛德仁医院每一个科室、每一位员工,象碧水卵石、绿叶鲜花一样饱含精神迎接每一位患者。"Life care, is extremely heavy, " every hospital department of Qingdao Deren, each employee, like clear water gravel, full of green leaves, like flowers meet the spirit of each patient.