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那么为什么感觉甚至连莴苣都要加害我们呢?So why does it feel like even the lettuce is out to get us?

此问题有很大部分是女性加害女性。A large share of the problem involves women victimizing women.

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人未曾加害与你,不可无故与他相争。Strive not with a man without cause, if he have done thee no harm.

确定加害人不明情形下的损害承担原则,应当转换思路,改由受害人自担风险。We should change our thoughts and make the victim undertake the damage by oneself.

在细响欲出手加害上升时,子书突然挺身而出阻止。In the thin ring desire to harm someone rises, stand up suddenly stop zishu emphasize.

加害者会经历到某种形式的依赖或无能为力。To teach this, the perpetrator may experience dependency or powerlessness in some form.

高智慧数值不仅仅会提升神的保护程序,而且会抵抗神的加害。A high wisdom score not only increases divine protection but also resistance to divine diseases.

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社会结构实际上是拥有不同的给利能力和加害能力的社会实体所生成的利害格局。The society is made by the groups which has the different ability with consecrating and injuring.

侵权责任即是因侵权行为的发生而由加害人依法应承担的损害赔偿责任。The tort liability is a liability for damages that should be undertaken by the injurer for the tort.

加害人对基础事实的反驳属于反证,而对推定事实的反驳则是本证。Perpetrator's refutation to basic facts is disproof, while his refutation to presumed facts is proof.

对于诉讼过程中加害人与受害人的证明活动,应当坚持不同的证明标凖。We adopt different standards of proof according to the proof action of the tort party and the injured party.

一位谦虚的杂耍老手,代苦难命运的受害者和加害者演出。In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate.

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对加害者做法律的起诉或道德的控诉,是转型正义的主要任务之一。Prosecuting the perpetrators of the previous repressive regime is one of the main tasks of transitional justice.

在一些案例中,当事人可能的确误认为施救者为加害方,但其他一些案例中的诉讼请求看上去则似乎更像是露骨的勒索。In some cases they may have been genuinely mistaken, but in others the claims seem to have been blatant extortion.

自德国学者提出积极侵害债权理论以来,加害给付理论的存在已有一个世纪的历史。Since Germen scholars put forward a theory of positive infringement, the theory of injury claim lies for a century.

共同危险行为的主体和主观构成要素的界定对于避免加害人范围的不当扩张具有重要的意义。It is significant for avoiding expanding victim's scope inappropriately to define the subject of joint dangerous act.

绝大部分被发现的尸体都由于他们曾经的加害者的复仇而不可辨认了。Many of the corpses found that summer were unrecognisable due to the severity of the beatings they had fallen prey to.

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许多病毒作者仅仅是为了感染系统,并不想搞破坏,因此他们制作的病毒并不蓄意加害。Many virus writers seek only to infect systems , not to damage them , so their viruses do not inflict intentional harm.

有时候刺客能完成任务,有时候刺客会遭遇到比他欲加害的对象更恐怖的命运。Sometimes the assassin got the job done, and sometimes the assassin met an even grislier fate than his intended victim.

过度的压迫通常只会让受害者更惨,还帮助加害者掩饰罪行。Very often oppression makes the situation worse for the victims while aiding the offenders in covering up their crimes.