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你是永世的一个产物。You are a heir of Eternity.

这首乐曲是他的智力产物。The music is his brain child.

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我们是自己信念的产物。We are creatures of our beliefs.

他是他那个时代的产物。He was the product of his period.

总参谋部是现代军事的产物。Staff is the child of modern war.

产物中有类沸石生成。The product is propinquity zeolite.

甲醇是反应的主要产物。Methanol was main product from BCSR.

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他是文艺复兴时期的产物。Disease is the child of intemperance.

今朝市道没有别的产物比它更好。No Product on the Market Can Compare!

这事模仿行为的产物。This is a product of mimetic conduct.

他说,银行只是一个简单的产物。A bank, he says, is a simple creation.

于是,这张专辑,是一个混血产物。The album, then, is a hybrid creation.

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属于角闪岩相产物。They belong to the amphibolite facies.

毕竟,人都是上帝的产物。After all, you are the creature of God.

我们都是我们阅历的产物。We are all a product of our experience.

这是一个没有对羟基苯甲酸酯类天然产物。It is a natural product with no parabens.

很多内服药就是催化反应的产物。Many medicines are products of catalysts.

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草酸分解了,生成了这些产物。Things break apart, forms these products.

中纺是计划经济的产物。Chinatex was a product of planned economy.

图式自身常常是想象力的产物。Schema is itself a product of imagination.