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目的制备硫酸阿托品眼用胶体溶液。OBJECTIVE To prepare atropine sulfate ophthalmic gel solution.

有机分子和无机分子在胶体溶液中的亚微观集合体。A submicroscopic aggregate of organic and inorganic molecules in colloidal solution.

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本文提出了一种利用微波加热的原理,合成一种新型的银胶体溶液。The basic principle and advantage in microwave-heating are introduced in the article.

二氧化硅溶胶是二氧化硅微粒分散于水中或有机溶剂中的胶体溶液。The silica sol is a kind of colloid solution, silica drop dispersing in water or solvents.

硅溶胶是二氧化硅的微粒分散于水中的胶体溶液。Silica sol is a kind of colloid solution well dispersing corpuscles of silicon dioxide in water.

基料是特制的双氰胺-尿素-甲醛共聚物的胶体溶液。The base material was tailor made colloidal solution of dicyandiamide urea formaldehyde copolymer.

本文提出了一种利用微波加热的原理,合成一种新型的银胶体溶液。In this articles, a novel silver colloid was synthesized by microwave method which has high efficient SERS effect.

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方法开放移植肾血流前以患者BP和CVP为标准,预充以胶体溶液为主的容量负荷。Methods Major standardization of priming solution volume load by observation of NIBP and CVP before blood supply to new kidney.

该对比剂胶体溶液可用于人体或者非人体的肝脏或者脾脏的增强对比成像。The contrast agent colloid solution can be used for enhancing contrast imaging of human body or non-human body liver or spleen.

胶态晶体法是利用胶体溶液的自组装特性将纳米团簇组装成超晶格,可得到二维或三维有序的超晶格。There are two kinds of methods for the supramolecular organization i. e. the formation of colloid crystals and the templated assembling.

纳米磁流体是一种由纳米级的强磁性颗粒通过表面活性剂高度均匀分散于某种载液中所形成的稳定的胶体溶液。Nano-magnetic fluid is a kind of colloid consist of nano-structured ferromagnetic particles disperse in the carrier liquid by means of surfactant.

HPMC在无水乙醇、乙醚、丙酮中几乎不溶,在冷水中溶解成澄清或微浑浊的胶体溶液。HPMC can not dissolve in grain alcohol, aether and acetone without water in them and can dissolve into clear or slight feculent colloidal solution.

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本文报道利用二氧化硅微粒胶体溶液在玻璃和KDP晶体基质上制备多孔二氧化硅薄膜。We report herein about the investigation on porous silica coatings prepared from colloidal silica solution on optical glasses and KDP crystal substrates.

该纳米甲壳质及其衍生物分为胶体溶液产品和粉状产品两种,全溶于冷水和热水。The nano chitin and the derivative thereof are divided into colloid solution products and powdery products, and are fully dissolved in cold water and hot water.

白色或微黄色粉末或颗粒,易溶于水而成胶体溶液,不溶于乙醇、乙醚、丙酮等有机溶剂。It is white or yellowish powder or grains, easily soluble in water to form a colloidal solution and insoluble in organic solvents such as ethanol, ether and acetone.

结论高渗盐复合胶体溶液在控制性失血性休克的早期复苏中对回肠黏膜的形态学损伤较小,能相对较好地保护肠黏膜物理屏障。Conclusion Hypertonic saline gelatin solution used at early resuscitation after hemorrhagic shock resuscitation is helpful in reducing mucosa damage in intestinal of the rats.

硅溶胶是二氧化硅的胶体微粒分散于水中的胶体溶液,由硅溶胶的特殊性质和特点出发,讨论总结了硅溶胶的制备方法。Silica sol is a kind of colloid solution well dispersing corpuscles of silica in water. From the special characteristic and properties, summarize kinds of manufactures of silica sol.

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结论肾移植开放肾血流前,适当的预先补充以胶体溶液为主的容量负荷,能保证围术期BP和CVP的维持与稳定。Conclusion Major properly priming colloidal solution volume load before blood supply to new kidney could ensure maintenance and stabilization of BP and CVP during kidney transplantation.

本文论述了牛乳中盐类存在状态及盐类平衡,同时对乳中盐类在真溶液及胶体溶液之间的平衡关系也作了说明,并对影响乳中盐类平衡的因素及应用做了详细地论述。This article was aimed at the state and equilibration of salts in milk. The equilibration relation of milk salts between liquid and colloids, and the influence factors were described in detail.