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干嘛不尝一杯干酒蒲萄酒吗?Why don't you try a glass of dry whellote wine?

确定你是要口感强烈的干酒还是清淡果味浓的葡萄酒。Decide if you want a dry, intense wine, or a lighter, fruity wine.

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它酒体中等,有柔和的单宁酸味道,饮后有一点点干酒的感觉。It is medium bodied with velvety tannins and finishes a touch dry.

法式味美思干酒基本无色,酒香清淡。Dry of 'French' vermouth is almost colorless, and has a delicate flavor.

对利用猕猴桃清汁发酵酿制干酒的生产工艺进行了研究。The process of brewing dry Kiwi wine by making use of juice fermentation was researched.

干酒可以和各种食物搭配,但是清淡的葡萄酒最好配小吃和甜点。Dry wines are better with serious cuisine, while lighter wines can be served with snacks and desserts.

采用清汁发酵方法,对甜橙汁澄清剂的选择及甜橙干酒发酵工艺参数进行了研究。Fermented with clarified juice, the clarificant selection of juice and parameter of fermentation were studied.

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但干酒因为糖分含量低,所以具有较高烈性,味清香浓,醇厚色深、气雅。But sugar is low because of dry wine, so with a high number of strong, fragrant smell clean, mellow color depth, gas Ya.

发泡雪拉兹使味觉清新温和,同时,另外一个好的选择是玫瑰酒,干酒和甜酒均可,要稍加冷藏。Rose, dry or sweet and slightly chilled is a good alternative, while a sparkling Shiraz works wonderfully to cool and soothe the palate.

对猕猴桃汁的制取、澄清及猕猴桃清汁发酵酿制干酒的工艺进行了研究。The preparation and clarification of kiwi juice and the production technology of kiwi dry wine by the fermentation of kiwi clear juice were studied.

研究确定了杨梅干酒、甜酒酒体稳定时的澄清度和壳聚糖下胶量,并分析了果酒主要理化成分的变化。The clarified degree of waxberry wine and the dosage of chitosan were determined when the dry or sweet wine were stability, the changes of main compositions were also analyzed.

惠泉啤酒公司最早起源于1938年惠安一王氏资本家创办的瓜干酒手工小作坊,解放后改造为地方国营惠安酒厂,具有66年酿酒历史。Huiquan Beer Company originated in 1938 Wong Wai-founder of the capitalists melon small hand-dry wine workshops, liberation into a local state-owned winery Hoi An, with 66-year history of wine.

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波特酒是世界上古老的酒种类,随着今天干酒的大行其道,波特酒有点像没落贵族一般,成了人们餐后偶然想起的酒。Potter wine is the world of old wine, with the kind of GanJiu today is popular, potter wine is a little bit like declining aristocracy became people after the meal, general happen to think of wine.

研究了猕猴桃干酒的生产工艺和关键工艺措施,并对猕猴桃酿酒适应性和猕猴桃干酒理化指标进行了探讨。In this paper. the main processing technology of kiwifruit dry wine was studied. The enological characteristics of kiwifruit. sensory and physicochemical standards of the dry wine were also discussed.