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战犯求和。The war criminals sue for peace.

纳粹战犯因其灭绝人性的罪行而被判刑。The Nazi war criminals were condemned for crimes against humanity.

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许多战犯仍用假名字住在南非。Many war criminals are still living in South Africa under false names.

你会看到,双手被绑,嘴被堵着的战犯们,活生生的被一枪击毙倒在血泊中。You will see prisoners, bound and gagged, being executed in cold blood.

战犯终于被人从他在国外的藏匿处查获。The old war criminal is at last smoked out from his hiding place abroad.

即使这些甲级战犯死一万遍也不能洗刷他们的罪恶。Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins.

而之前的那些游行里也能看到对所谓纳粹战犯的扮演。Previous demonstrations have seen reenactments of alleged Nazi war crimes.

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警方的搜捕表明战后抓捕纳粹战犯的硝烟未散。Their search is the last gasp of the post-war hunt for Nazi war criminals.

今天,日本首相小泉纯一郎又一次参拜供奉有二战甲级战犯的靖国神社。Yasukuni Shrine where the Japanese class-A criminals of WWII are remembered.

目前来说,种族灭绝者、战犯,还有施酷刑者就生活在我们之间。Currently, there are génocidaires, war criminals and torturers living among us.

1894年,一名战犯在臭名昭著的恶魔岛被判终身监禁。In 1894, a military prisoner was sentenced to life on the infamous Devil's island.

有人坚持认为,试图逮捕这些战犯阻碍了和平谈判。Some argue that trying to arrest such war criminals gets in the way of peace talks.

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他既不选择可耻的还外流亡生涯,也不愿意投降接受海牙国际战犯法庭的审判。Not for him an ignominious exile or surrendering to a war-crimes trial in the Hague.

后来,沃尔特克朗凯特在德国纽伦堡对纳粹战犯的审判。Later, Walter Cronkite reported on the trials of Nazi war criminals at Nuremburg, Germany.

该文章还将堕胎与纳粹战犯在奥斯比次的实验相提并论。The article also likened the abortion to the experiments of Nazi war criminals at Auschwitz.

柏林古代的施潘道城堡被用作关押德国最为臭名昭著的战犯的监狱。Berlin's ancient Spandau Fortress served as a prison for Germany's most notorious war criminals.

在漫长火车旅途,食物稀少,和数日强迫跋涉后,他抵达了被分配的战犯营地。After a long train ride, little food and days of forced marching, he arrived at his assigned stalag.

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如果他们不想要战争,他们就不会去那里为战犯招魂,对吗?If they didn't want wars, they wouldn't have to go there to call back the mind of war criminals, right?

1995年,前南斯拉夫国际战犯法庭宣布对穆拉迪奇的指控。The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia announced charges against Mr. Mladic in 1995.

日本人吃屎的!!!赔钱给我们!!!弄死日本战犯!放狗咬死你们!!!The Japanese eat shit! ! ! Lose money to us! ! ! Kill the Japanese war criminals! Killed by the dogs on you! ! !