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中生代的陆地被恐龙统治着。THE Mesozoic land was dominated by dinosaurs.

但中生代本身便是以一次大灭绝开始的。But the Mesozoic, too, began with a mass extinction.

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山东省郯城东北部为中生代陆相沉积盆地。Cretaceous system is the basin of continental deposit.

鄂尔多斯盆地在中生代晚期存在一期构造热事件。The Ordos basin on late-Mesozoic exist on a tectonic heat event.

恐龙作为中生代生物界的统治者,它的研究一直是科学界的热点。As the dominator of the Mesozoic, it is the focus of the science.

哺乳类起源于中生代宛若原始的爬虫类。Mammals arose from a fairly primitive reptile in the Mesozoic era.

云南安宁盆地为中生代陆相断陷盆地。Anning Basin is a terringenous fault basin developed in Mesozoic Era.

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楚雄盆地为中生代形成的典型前陆盆地。The Chuxiong Basin is a typical foreland basin formed in the Mesozoic.

老第三纪和中生代甚至更古老的地层组成了海槽的声波基底。Paleogene and Mesozoic or older strata make up of the acoustic basement.

古生代阶段属古亚洲构造域,中生代阶段属滨太平洋构造域。GuYaZhou Paleozoic stage of Mesozoic tectonic domain, the coast of stage.

中生代大规模花岗质岩浆活动是金向上迁移的主要载体。Large scale granitic magma during Mesozoic was the major carrier for gold.

阜新盆地属于晚中生代NNE向地堑式煤盆地。The Fuxin basin is a late Mesozoic NNE-trending graben coal-bearing basin.

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海拉尔盆地是在华力西褶皱基底上形成的中生代断陷盆地。Hailar Basin is a fault-depressed basin formed on Variscan folded basement.

该盆地中生代地层中含有丰富的石油和煤炭资源。There are rich deposits of oil and coal in Mesozoic formation of the basin.

因此,本区金矿床形成于早中生代,而非燕山期成矿。The gold is thought to be formed in Early Mesozoic, not in Yanshanian epoch.

于是中生代的食肉动物也可能是这样。It is thus possible that the same was applicable to Mesozoic predators as well.

松辽盆地东缘中生代断裂构造十分发育。Mesozoic faults at the eastern margin of the Songliao Basin were well developed.

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八道金矿为延吉中生代火山岩型金矿中较为典型的矿床之一。The Badao gold deposit is a typical Mesozoic volcanic rock-hosting gold deposit.

他们生活在中生代的海洋中,跟现代乌贼相似。They occupied a position in the Mesozoic oceans similar to that of modern squid.

他们在中生代海洋中占有一席之地,类似于现代的鱿鱼。They occupied a position in the Mesozoic oceans similar to that of modern squid.